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Posts posted by Skinn3r4

  1. Training plates arrived yesterday helped massively to make it sit right cheers guys for the feedback.


    Need to play around with the config and remove the bfg mag pouch as it sits funny in front of the radio when on. Maybe pick up a belt setup but will work for now 


  2. 7 minutes ago, JimFromHorsham said:

    Had one 10yrs ago , but don’t recall issues with the comms but I never used a dummy shell , just a Motorola & extended antenna which tucked in nicely under my left arm . Real plates or weighted plates are a must and will make it sit properly .



    Cheers buddy will look to find some plates to see if it pulls it down to sit right. 

  3. Hey just moved over from a repro jpc to a crye Cpc. First try on is great love it weight distribution is great and everything but setting up all my gear to the Cpc tried on and finding using the mbitr pouch with my dummy radio I find it sits much higher and in my armpit compared to using the crye mbitr add on pouch I had on the jpc that sat behind the Cumberband where it wasn’t in the way. 

    Plate height seems to be about right anyone else have this issue ? 

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