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Liam Porter

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Everything posted by Liam Porter

  1. Going to Reading Festival in August!
  2. Liam Porter

    battlefield 3

    With the 12x on the L96 with silencer, I hit a 1300m headshot.. target was completely off screen, was literally aiming at the sky.. :L
  3. Santander being slow at sending me post..
  4. I only get to go every 4 weeks, if that . I'm next going FFZ on 1st April with (hopefully) a large group of us, then I'm going to the Urban AEG night game on 4th April.
  5. Of course I will, if you ever come to where I work.. I'm really OCD with packing people's bags, everything that's similar has to go in the same bag, size order, largest at the bottom, and everything has to fit in the bag nicely. Also, meat has to separate to everything else - no matter what.
  6. Ignorant and disgusting customers at Tesco. - I went into the toilets to wash my hands before I started work and didn't hold the door open for some guy. He asked me why, I replied "Sorry, I assumed you'd wash your hands before leaving..", he grunted at me and left anyway. - Some guy cut the barcode off a coupon and expected me to be able to scan it and give him the discount, which he hadn't spent enough for anyway. - Customers opening mutlipacks of cans/bottles and then expecting to be able to buy a single can that have no barcode and say "part of a multipack - not for individual sale" on them. - People who assume that I'll pack for them, don't say please or thank you, or even acknowledge the fact that I just served them.
  7. Seems good SgtTalbert, you're going FFZ every two weeks?
  8. I'll hopefully be able to stay on another year to resit AS and A2 Biology and Chemistry, to hopefully get a B/C in them (got C/D at the end of last year). At least I don't have to resit ICT now, just do the coursework to a mildly good standard, to get a C overall. Minimum I need are CCD, what I want is BCC, but aiming for BBC.
  9. My results I got today.. pretty awful to be honest. U in Chemistry, U in Biology and a C in ICT. I revised a lot for Bio and Chem, and did no revision for ICT.. Last year ICT was my worst subject.
  10. Liam Porter

    battlefield 3

    I hate this game at the moment. I constantly lag, no matter what server I join, no matter what ping it is when I join, no matter where the server is based. It's impossible to play, after literally 30 seconds, it's too laggy to even shoot, let alone move or anything!
  11. BF3. It constantly lags. I join a server with 40ms ping, literally 30 seconds of playing and I can't move or do anything because it's so laggy.
  12. Liam Porter

    battlefield 3

    I don't get this problem on PC. There are servers with auto-kick/ban if you use M320, RPG, SMAW, USAS, etc., and then there are other servers allowing all weapons. If people get past it, cheat, glitch etc. then usually there's a voteban, and they get banned. On a side note, do you use the M16A4 or M16A3?
  13. Try to do it without one first, I managed it quite easily on my M4, but then my M16 seems to be screwed on tighter (well the flash hider was). Here: http://airsoft-club.com/shop/tools/delta-r...rer-wrench-tool - was a quick Google search.. I think G&P also do. I'll do some searching, if they will fit, then I'm gonna get the ARES M16 rails. Oh, and Nick, I won't be destroying my M16 while trying to mod it. I hope. If I do, I'll put up a guide of how to in the guides section.
  14. I didn't on my M4, I just used a couple of Allen keys and forced it. Know if the ARES M16 rails will fit onto a G&P M16?
  15. I may go similar actually.. The M5 rails are easier to install, and they won't void my warranty. Will make it look like my M16 on BF3, with silencer, ACOG and foregrip.
  16. I'm just as undecided as I was before...
  17. I may get one.. curious as to what Ed's doing with his M16.. I'm back to where I started now - get regular M5 rails, or free float, or leave it..
  18. They good, and are they easy to use Marksman? People need to stop linking things like this, I see it and want it. Meaning I then want to change my guns differently for everything I see. It's not good.
  19. Ed, what eaxactly are you doing to your M16? I'm so undecided about mine still..
  20. Liam Porter

    battlefield 3

    Searly, you play on PC?
  21. I kinda need a new graphics card, BF3 hates mine
  22. Liam Porter

    battlefield 3

    May as well post mine too; http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/user/SoupOnHerHed/
  23. What would need upgrading in an M16 to get it shooting 380-400 FPS consistently?
  24. Do ARES fit? http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ares-m16ris-kit a little cheaper than the full set, and you don't end up with barrel, sight, etc spare.. No idea, mine was 360 when it came (after tightbore was installed, 340 before), so had to lower it to 340. It's consistent at 337-340 now though
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