Im thinking of paying someone to let me use theyr ukara so i can get a rif... Im gonna play my last game ar ambush Airsoft this sunday but i have to wait until September to get the 56 days done... I mean... It was a raise of 60£... Do you imagine how many portuguese wine i can get for that price? ( Yes, im portuguese...)
Im more of a CQB kinda of guy and i've been looking at the SR-30 aswell as the ARP 5.56. I've seen a lot of good reviews about this type of RIFs wich is bad because i cant make up my mind... 😅
Welcome my friend. From what I have seen its easier to bring the gear than the actual “toys”...
I hope you enjoy your new war ground. Im liking it a lot and I moved about 8 months ago so...
Have a good one!
Welcome to the Forum. I can´t give you much of advice since im fairly new to the UK scene too.
About the weight loss, like said above, its mainly diet. In a 100% wheel 70 to 75% is diet the other part is exercise.
Have fun in the fields!
Hello guys, I just got back to Airsoft ( used to do it back in Portugal ) and I liked this 2 rifles.
Any opinions that can help me make up my mind?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you all for the replies. I’m sure I will be giving good news. @MadMole in that play site is it possible to get the UKARA games, the 3 that we need, completed?
how are you guys? I hope everything is ok.
So... I koved to the UK in December, im originally from Portugal, played airsoft there for like 7/8 years and then stopped. As i moved into the UK the airaoft thing started to come back again...
Me a nd a friend are thinking in renting for the first games so we can get the UKARA number before we buy our own stuff. All advices regarding to the UKARA are welcome.
Thanks in advance!