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  • Guns
    JG G36C
    G&G M4 Riader-S
    Cyma AK's
  • Sites
    Apocalypse Paintball & Airsoft - The Village - Royston
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  1. I know its not ideal Its because we have a chicken farm one side & a hospital the other, m203 & other grenades are allowed just nothing that creates a "boom"
  2. *Announcement" Airsoft events are now EVERY First & Third Sunday of the month, book now via the FB group or just contact us! + new page now up on the apocalypse website - https://www.apocalypsepaintball.co.uk/airsoft
  3. *Announcement" Airsoft events are now EVERY First & Third Sunday of the month, book now via the FB group or just contact us! + new page now up on the apocalypse website - https://www.apocalypsepaintball.co.uk/airsoft
  4. Yes, RIFT decided to part ways for various reasons which they posted on their website, we now have a team of airsofters running our own airsoft games
  5. Apocalypse Airsoft & Paintball Now offers Rental packages for any Airsoft event at the site, each Rental package includes: 1 x M4 or G36C or AK 2 x Hi-Capacity magazines 1x Mask 2000 BBs (1000 for Evening games) Entry for the full event £45 For Evening games £60 for Full days (includes entry fee) Please contact us more more details or to book equipment in for any next event!
  6. Apocalypse Airsoft & paintball is now a fully UKARA Registered site! We also now offer yearly Memberships that will qualify you for UKARA & you get £5 off every FULL game days you attend for just £30 for the whole year! If you are interested in this please contact us or speak to the team at the next game!
  7. (More Info in the Introduction/information tab) Address: Old N Rd, Bassingbourn, Royston, Cambridgeshire SG8 5JS *Bio BBs only, No bangs, Friction smokes only* Full day price: £25 Evening price: £15 Bio BB’s, Friction Smokes, Chilled drinks & more available on site at very competitive prices, please contact us for any info, prices or product information needed Email: [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/groups/455461772191711/ FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ApocalypseAP Phone – We do prefer communications in writing when not at site but if needed we are accessible on the phone : +447368358036 *Events - To book in please join the FB group or or Contact us to book in* 23rd May 1PM - 9PM 30th May 1PM - 9PM Any big questions or comments please feel free to post here or PM/contact us (Many more games to be confirmed soon!)
  8. Apocalypse Airsoft Paintball: the Village Royston, Cambridgeshire *Independent Site* Apocalypse Paintball & Airsoft has been running for over 10 years now building up & refining the site as its own. Over 13 acres of woodland & loads of built-up areas with the now airsoft famous “Village” Area, A large central church tower, lots of trenches, cover & forts to defend or capture all across site! Objective based games with teamwork needed to capture, hold, transport or defuse timed or non-timed objectives, long & short games with the opportunity to play both sides of the field and objective. Smaller quicker games such as: zombies, TTT, sniper hunt etc throughout or at the end of the day. Address: Old N Rd, Bassingbourn, Royston, Cambridgeshire SG8 5JS *Bio BBs only, No bangs, Friction smokes only* Full day price: £25 Evening price: £15 *Events*- To book in please join the FB group or or Contact us to book in* Events are every First and Third Sunday of EVERY month 10AM - 6PM Bio BB’s, Friction Smokes, Chilled drinks & more available on site at very competitive prices, please contact us for any info, prices or product information needed Website: https://www.apocalypsepaintball.co.uk/airsoft Email: [email protected] FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/455461772191711/ FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ApocalypseAP Phone – We do prefer communications in writing when not at site but if needed we are accessible on the phone: +447368358036 (Many more to be confirmed soon!) Third party Airsoft games have been running for many years now but, we are now offering our own Airsoft events with a combined 36 years event & airsoft experience between the management team. *Not affiliated with any other airsoft sites, shops or previous tenants, this is run by Apocalypse Paintball & Airsoft in Royston, Cambridgeshire an independent site *
  9. Sorry I should of specified bbq's or cooking food on site is now allowed (Not our choice its due to the location of the site)
  10. No Problem, We dont currently have much in the way of food currently ( we are working on it! ) but there is a mcdonalds just down the road and a service station or obviously you are welcome to bring your own
  11. We have Bios on site at decent prices & very good quality, we have shot hundreds of thousands of them over the years and no issues at all! & The amount of smokes players use it makes up for the lack of bangs
  12. Apocalypse Airsoft Paintball: the Village Royston, Cambridgeshire *Independent Site* Apocalypse Paintball & Airsoft has been running for over 10 years now building up & refining the site as its own. Over 13 acres of woodland & loads of built-up areas with the now airsoft famous “Village” Area, A large central church tower, lots of trenches, cover & forts to defend or capture all across site! Objective based games with teamwork needed to capture, hold, transport or defuse timed or non-timed objectives, long & short games with the opportunity to play both sides of the field and objective. Smaller quicker games such as: zombies, TTT, sniper hunt etc throughout or at the end of the day. We offer full 7 hour and evening 3 ½ hour game sessions on a regular weekday & weekend basis. Our events will be posted on here, on our Facebook group (link below) and soon on the apocalypse website, please feel free to message us for any info! Address: Old N Rd, Bassingbourn, Royston, Cambridgeshire SG8 5JS *Bio BBs only, No bangs, Friction smokes only* Full day price: £25 Evening price: £15 Bio BB’s, Friction Smokes, Chilled drinks & more available on site at very competitive prices, please contact us for any info, prices or product information needed Website: https://www.apocalypsepaintball.co.uk/airsoft Email: [email protected] FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/455461772191711/ FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ApocalypseAP Phone – We do prefer communications in writing when not at site but if needed we are accessible on the phone : +447368358036 *Events - To book in please join the FB group or or Contact us to book in* Events are every First and Third Sunday of EVERY month 10AM - 6PM (Many more to be confirmed soon!) Third party Airsoft games have been running for many years now but, we are now offering our own Airsoft events with a combined 36 years event & airsoft experience between the management team. *Not affiliated with any other airsoft sites, shops or previous tenants, this is run by Apocalypse Paintball & Airsoft in Royston, Cambridgeshire an independent site *
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