I've just got mine, not been anywhere with it but in the garden its seem really good. Ive put around 3000 bbs through it so far and all has been well. Im out with it on the 10th so can let you know more once it has been skirmished.
Well here are my first two rifs. Got a game booked for 10th April, can’t wait to try them out. Also have a ASG mk23 but that’s still with the mail man, hopefully getting delivered tomorrow.
I just went for UK for my stuff, ordered it this morning for click and collect, picked it up this afternoon after work. Yes I may have spent a bit more on what I was going to get but I don’t have the hassle of UPS and customs
I’m looking to do an small order from Taiwan Guns, just magazines and some other bits, total value just over £140. Will it get processed or shall I not bother.