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Misery last won the day on May 8 2021

Misery had the most liked content!

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  • Guns
    tm sopmod.cyma cm.098a e platinum,cyma cm.621,cyma cm.516,,jw3 combat master,1911,gen 4 g17
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    viper strike airsoft.evoloution airsoft.fort.area 66
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  1. this post limit is a bloody nightmare @Sitting Duck i cant reply to pms now because of the 24hr limit,but but it is the hop has caused a jam causing the rest of the damage,also  hop rubber hasnt been upgraded as still got the standard black one  may have been the cm516 thats been changed

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Hold up m8


      I've msg'd Jedi & mentioned it on the thread about post limit


      we get the odd spammer & scammer


      buy UK license, passport, GSCE certificates

      viagra - that's a point I'm getting low on that


      ahem - we get all sorts of scammers spammers & wankers on here flooding the board


      then Jedi master lurches into life to remove & ban them etc...


      so guess the limit was a recent thing introduced to limit the BS posters - honestly they just flooded every section over & over & over & over...


      you'll see it if you stick around - they get in now & then & spam the fuck out of this place & others


      I'm sure it will get resolved soonish sir

    2. proffrink


      Limit has been lifted manually in this case. It was indeed introduced as an antiflood measure but may need tweaking. We'll see how it goes.

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