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Misery last won the day on May 8 2021

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  • Guns
    tm sopmod.cyma cm.098a e platinum,cyma cm.621,cyma cm.516,,jw3 combat master,1911,gen 4 g17
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    viper strike airsoft.evoloution airsoft.fort.area 66
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  1. hmmm at a site yesterday asked to be a vip for a couple games so set aside my sr25 as only allowed to use my pistol,anyway 2 games later go grab my sr25 to find a marshall had decided to have a shot of my rif and go through the full mag not bothered bout bb's what grinds me is when i asked about it got the shouldnt have left it there then like wtf i was doing yous a favour as noone wanted to be the vip


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    2. Johnyboy1976


      A mans gun is like his wife - you don’t want another man using it. Mind you if my guns were like my wife then they would let anyone use them - then blame it on the drink 

    3. Misery


      @Johnyboy1976exactly!!!,haha your wife mates wee mine then?

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      "shouldnt have to mention it though"


      is a fair point, this is the sort of thing that should be implied is not something to do, not free game until someone complains.


      guns being damaged is another very fair point, indeed for all they knew that's why the gun had been set down in the first place. for example an owner might have figured battery was on the way out and someone firing off a whole mag would push it over the edge.

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