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RebelScum last won the day on May 23 2024

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1 Follower

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  • Guns
    CA M4 Delta 12
    E&L AKS-74 & AK-74M
    CYMA 0.72 MK12 & 700A M40
    KA M4 CQB
    G&G L85A2
  • Loadouts
    Stuck in the 90s
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    Gunman Eversley
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  1. I've used this company before: https://www.efoam.co.uk/ Look at the Ethafoam in grey; delivery is free. In the notes ask them not to fold the foam, although this stuff is pretty robust and will regain it's shape if creased.
  2. Well following @proffrink 's own advice on their profile page, I've PM'd them to see if we can get this sorted out. I have to say I am motivated to recover the £6, simply because on a point of principle I feel I've been scammed, which is ironic given the mods are there to stop this sort of nonsense. As you say there are ways of dealing with this, given the digital footprint of the payments that have been made is now impossible to erase.
  3. Not happened yet. I'm wondering what the secret of @Barry Sayer is... 🤔
  4. Can I have a refund as well please? I've been waiting since the 16th June 2023... £6 to receive absolutely nothing never sat well with me, especially as we do like to highlight poor service and scams from retailers, forum members etc. The irony of getting fleeced by the forum seemed, well, ironic... If we ever get this sorted I'm still waiting for a patch from UKAPU as well, last promised in May 2022. There is definitely a theme here...
  5. To be fair I saw a similar case on eBay, but slightly more expensive, so that's not a bad shout. I fear the width is marginally too small, but to be fair the cases are very cheap, so not much of a loss if it's the wrong size. Appreciate the recommendation. Definitely an option to look into. I also found this company as well: https://www.trifibre.co.uk/product-category/type/waterproof-cases/?orderby=price&filter_internal-width-range=501-750&filter_internal-depth-range&filter_internal-height-range Lots of choice, but slightly more pricey than other cases. Plus some of the cases on Trifibre are also on Amazon, so I could save a few £: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Max-MAX520S-Waterproof-Watertight-Photography/dp/B013T9Z7XI/ref=asc_df_B013T9Z7XI?mcid=35c447b1c9cd3700b91c7566988fb058&th=1&psc=1&hvocijid=12780926309855342265-B013T9Z7XI-&hvexpln=74&tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=696285193871&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12780926309855342265&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9195048&hvtargid=pla-2281435176898&psc=1&gad_source=1 Lots to think about...
  6. Does anyone have any recommendations for a hard case suitable for an SMG? It's for a S&T Sterling, with the internal dimensions of the retail box being 55cm x 24 cm x 12 cm. I have plenty of rifle cases but having scoured the internet there are slim pickings for a smaller case, given most options are either suitable for a rifle (too big) or a pistol (too small). It's clearly a niche market without spending a fortune on a bespoke case, noting the Sterling's size means I need a case at least 50cm in length. The width can be a little larger as I was planning on storing the magazines in there as well. Thanks.
  7. Neither. I made it for the event. It's a Fast helmet from eBay with polypropylene stuck around the edge and finished with car trim. The code discs are from eBay as well. It's based on the Imperial helmets from the Andor series.
  8. Yup. I'll be there to be shot at by the sneaky VC all day. The Firebase has had a lot of work done to it since the last 'Nam game, so I'm looking forward to testing out the upgraded fortifications. @Skullchewer - I'm really glad you enjoyed the game on Saturday. I was there as well on the blue team and had a cracking game. Top marks to the lads on the green team that held the mortar pits all morning. They made our lives so difficult, it was ridiculous - even more so as there were only a few of them hanging on to the timer. We seemed to get our act together by the afternoon and managed to turn it around, but regardless of the result everyone seemed to have lots of fun, which is what makes these events memorable. It's worth saying as well that if you like the filmsim genre Gunman hosts all sorts of games at filmsim.co.uk, including Nam and Cold War, although I have to say the highlight for me this year was the "Outer Rim" game a few weeks ago on May 4th (it's really Star Wars but don't tell Disney 🤫). The effort everyone made by everyone was extraordinary. Courtesy of Chris Thomas Photography these are a couple of pictures from the event, including a Tusken Raider, a hirable Battle Droid and finally me as an Imperial Trooper. I can't quite bring myself to post pictures of the New Republic Forces as it's all rebel propaganda 😄:
  9. So they do exist... 17th June 2023. If I'm order #354 and we have members still waiting from January 2023, this could be quite a few people...
  10. Anyone know how to post up a poll, as I'm genuinely interested to see how many fivers we are talking about here and how long people have been waiting. Given all the advice on the forum about how to dispute payments when retailers don't send out something that's been paid for I'm really amazed at the patience that's been displayed here by forum members and that no-one has yet disputed this. I know, it's only a patch, but that's not really the point. Is it really that tricky or time-consuming to deal with this? If there are no patches or otherwise some other reason why some members don't see them for a year, then let everyone know and stop taking the money...
  11. @proffrink - any chance of an update please? If it had been an airsoft retailer that had taken money and not sent out goods everyone would be playing merry hell on the forum. I thought June 2023 was bad but some members have been waiting a lot longer. I have to ask where the money has gone if the patches haven't been sent out?
  12. Any update on the great delivery mystery? I don't seem to have much luck with patches as I'm still waiting on a Gold UKAPU patch as well, although that's getting on for 3 years and still not sorted... To be honest a 6-month turnaround is not great and I wonder if we're all being too patient???
  13. Do we have any update on the patches? I ordered mine back in June (23), but not a peep since. I understand the logic of batch dispatching, but literally how many orders do we need to get to before it's worth the effort? I do like the web patch, but I'd prefer the real thing.
  14. As one of the GIs in the Cajun Chicken game over the weekend I concur that we had as much fun "dealing with the locals" as they seemed to have hunting us down. I played both days and I really enjoyed Sunday even though numbers were down, as everyone was committed to the gameplay and we had some cracking firefights and hilarious encounters. The theme really stands out and top marks to the Louisiana State Troopers and FBI for looking the part and who all added an extra dimension not normally seen in other games. I also have to give credit to the Cajun fighter who ambushed our patrol on Saturday, when we were brining in two prisoners, managing to take down three of the GIs with a hunting rifle before being mown down by one of the squad leaders. And I confess we did have fun waiting for @Tactical Pith Helmet to return to rescue Mrs TPH, resulting in him being wounded and then turned over to the law for questioning. The number of Cajuns who pleaded they were only out "duck-hunting" with assault rifles also made me chuckle. The final battle was so intense, it was a miracle we made it back to base with evidence of the locals' crimes, and goes to show that even with a few players you can have great fun. Definitely a game to recommend.
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