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MiK last won the day on June 14 2021

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  1. Mmmm 2 hours to go and will Boris lock us down ???

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      if he does then he is a bigger fucking idiot than I thought possible


      lock everything down, so NOBODY goes out

      (except to shop & key workers etc...)

      nurseries, schools, universities still open, but kids mixing with a 1,000 others won't spread & bring back the virus ???


      if NOBODY goes to the pub, eat out etc...

      then wtf is the point of track n trace

      no notifications = no need to get tested

      nobody testing - cases drop drastically

      hooray - it has all been a success


      until next time


      The Lurgy Lockdown - 3rd/4th wave etc...


      COVID-19 doesn't really kill you as such

      instead it is mostly PNEUMONIA caused by influenza, cold/rhino-virus and now COVID-19

      You get an infection/inflamation in your lungs as they fill up with fluid/puss - and that is what causes most of the deaths - pneumonia


      But write down COVID-19


      Did you know that the When the BBC said COVID-19 is THREE times more deadly than the flu - they used a graph that displayed a higher death rate in 1992~2000 for influenza

      So they quickly pulled it and replaced it with one for just 2020


      Now there was 2 x 8 year periods where in 1975~1983 it reached 63,000 deaths pa for influenza/pneumonia

      & also 60,000 pa for 1992~2000

      The last serious outbreak lead to the influenza vaccine programe being rolled out after 2000


      What they are doing is comparing influenza, which we have had started to develop vaccines since 1930, a virus we have a range of vaccines for various strains of flu - comparing it to a new virus we don't have a vaccine for


      So comparing the flu TODAY where 14m get the vaccine, to COVID-19 with NO VACCINE is like comparing apples to oranges


      Plus in 1992~2000 the UK had a much lower population so that 60k would equate to 70,000 deaths today


      But here is the rub...


      Does ANYBODY remember the lockdown, masks & crazy wash wash washing your hands during those 16 years in 1975~1983 & also 1992~2000


      coz I fucking don't remember any of it at all

      (was on another device earlier but here's some pics)


      1) original graph BBC quickly pulled showing outbreak in 90's

      (ooops quick change it)




      2) the one they quickly replaced it with showing just 2020




      3) google showing both were used




      4) history of large flu/pneumonia pandemic in 1992~2000

      (when the flu vaccine then was rolled out in 2000 onwards)




      5) the pandemic in 1975~1983





      and for reference the Spanish Flu in 1918




      Point being when we had a large pandemic twice for 8 years during 75~83 & 92~2000...

      Does anybody remember masks & lock downs back then

      coz I bloody don't

    2. MiK


      2nd of December it is then .........

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