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Cr0-Magnon last won the day on July 14 2024

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G 556 DMR, FDE Scorpion Evo, TM Glock 17 Gen.4, AAP-01, Tanaka Colt Python
  • Loadouts
    Drab clothes and flavour of the month RIF's.
  • Sites
    TWA, Dogtag
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Donating a large percentage of my monthly salary to the airsoft industry.

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  1. Try and avoid ordering from evike wherever possible. Nothing inherently wrong with them but with the delivery time and that items always seem to get pulled by customs, it's just rarely financially worth it.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      customs is the big one, it'll take a package 2 days to cross the atlantic followed by 2 week crossing the dover docks

    3. Lozart


      I recently ordered an EBR front end because...reasons. What actually turned up was two outer barrels, an EBR sightpost and gas block and a standard M14 flash hider. All in bits as opposed to the "fully assembled" of the description and devoid of the EBR Vortex flash hider. Quick online chat with customer service and it was all sorted, replacement sent FOC and was told to keep the bits I'd been sent in error. Thanks to the goods being marked as zero value there was no customs hold up the second time which highlighted just how long they'd hung on to it before!



    4. hitmanNo2


      I don't think I've ever had anything come from the US that hasn't been molested by customs.  It's pretty much guaranteed.

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