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Cr0-Magnon last won the day on November 5 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G 556 DMR, FDE Scorpion Evo, TM Glock 17 Gen.4, AAP-01, Tanaka Colt Python
  • Loadouts
    Drab clothes and flavour of the month RIF's.
  • Sites
    TWA, Dogtag
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Donating a large percentage of my monthly salary to the airsoft industry.

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  1. Been hearing the term "professional airsofter" too much recently. There's no such thing.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      Congratulations. Still not being paid to actually play airsoft though are they.

    3. BigBell1987


      Definitions are definitions and you my friend by definition are a pro.


      They get paid a pot and sponsors give them stuff they would otherwise pay money for as well as affiliate schemes for sales via their discount codes and they create other revenue streams from streaming, blogging, twitch etc etc just like so called pro video gamers.



    4. Rogerborg


      The joy of language is that you can so-call something until accepted usage changes.


      However, I'd stick to the position that if you're not paying your mortgage and utility bills from the income from a hobby, then it's not a "profession".  Banks and gas companies don't accept patches as payment.

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