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Impulse last won the day on May 5

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    KJW m40a5, G&P m14 DMR, KJW m700, TM mk12 mod1 MWS, TM MWS CQBR, KWA mp9, TM Hi-Capa, AAP01, TM 1911
  • Loadouts
    US scout sniper, US recce, US SHTF civvie, VC farmer-in-pyjamas, 1970s Vietnam Aussie scout
  • Sites
    Worthing Airsoft, Driver Wood, Gunman Eversley (for 'Namsoft!)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Brighton, England
  • Interests
    Airsoft (duh?), video games, tabletop roleplaying games, self-defence / martial arts, writing fiction, journalism, reading, swimming, action films, cooking

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  1. Might take a pass at trying to persuade the staff at my local site to allow DMRs to have a 20m MED instead of 30m (1.64J is the power limit). Wish me luck :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Offer to take a dozen shots, from your gun, at a measured 20m, to the groin and face.


      This is a quite serious suggestion, by the way.  It's the standard that should be applied to any "But it's safe when I'm sending it against someone else!" argument.

    3. Impulse


      @Rogerborg See, I wouldn't mind that; very much a fan of practicing what I preach, but I started airsoft in a time where we were full-auto-ing each other up close with slightly hot guns (because the chinese clone guns came out of the box too strong and nobody chrono'd back in the mid 00s). I'd even be happy to take it at 1.88J if it meant bringing the power up to that too, but that will never happen at my local site because I think one of the owners hates DMRs and is perfectly fine with literally nobody using one at Worthing.



    4. Rogerborg


      Understandable, I hate them too. They're essentially unpolicable and super-exploitable if you trigger spam them.


      That said, I have one, and don't exploit it, but if I ran a site, I'd just blanket ban them like a few sites already do.

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