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Musica last won the day on July 27 2020

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  • Guns
    ASG Scorpion Evo A1 2018 revision.
    TM Hi-Capa 5.1 D.O.R
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    The Depot
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  1. Retailer will give me the upgraded gears for the cost of the parts no labour to pay so £44.99 for an Ultimate gear set. Considering the shipping and labour costs are the killer I can't see why not. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Musica


      They would of for free replaced the gears with original gears but I am buying upgraded gears at RRP and they are fitting them instead. Keeps my warranty intact. If I installed them would of void my warranty. 


      Takes the total cost of my EVO up to £369.98 which if I could of ordered with the the better gears for this price in the first place I would have. 

    3. Rogerborg


      Ouch.  But it seems a case of needing it sooner or later, and this is the best way to do it.


      Reckon you'll have it back by Sunday?  If not, I should have some poverty-spec AEG spare [Goes to wire a Deans connector onto Poverty Spec AEG]

    4. Musica


      Better to get it done for the cost of the parts and keep my warranty but not be worried about the gears going again. It was a bug bear I knew about before buying it so if anything I was lucky I didn't have it happen in a game and that I can get the upgrade without shipping/labor costs as I knew it would need it eventually I was just hoping I would be one of the lucky ones that lasted a year. 


      I imagine they will fit the parts tomorrow and ship it so it should arrive for Friday as it was quick delivery first time. They said they will do it ASAP and call me when it's ready to ship. I will give them till lunch time tomorrow to contact me again as the have agreed to pack it better for shipping it this time as that box it came in was holding on for dear life.


      Might  give me the confidence to not bother with a second AEG as a backup. 

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