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Everything posted by Armo1000

  1. Have a prescription pair of Bolle safety goggles. Can get them from most opticians if you ask. Not cheep but well worth it.
  2. I must be lucky then because our regular place Tech Brigade never asked or asks for any money besides the walk on fee.
  3. People pay for UKARA yearly?! Lol what? I never payed for UKARA and my local site updates it whenever i ask.
  4. Yeah the Red Wolf was a total joke and greedy cash grab. Just because its an uncommon gun they thought they could charge that much for it. The worrying part is that if not for the rifle itself being awful they might have gotten away with it.
  5. Conssidering most other Airsoft WW2 rifles are much more expensive, and the last Enfield on the market (Red wolf) was around £600-700! I would consider £200-300 a very reasonable price. Any less would be sacrificing on quality, anyway this isn’t meant to be some cheep starter gun.
  6. Based on their K98s and Springfield's, probably in the £200-300 range which is very affordable indeed, unlike some others makes.... Red wolf "cough, cough" Agreed their last efforts have been less than desirable, although it does look like they are doing something interesting with the gas system. Either it will be a total flop or might me kinda revolutionary.
  7. Well they said 2020 and they didn’t lie, only just (will probably be a few months more till we see them here in the UK though). I believe this rifle is a springer as well which is nice to see. with this and the G&G No4 on the horizon it’s great to finally see some Enfield rifles on the Airsoft market place.
  8. They posted a few times that they will be restocking this year, however it may be delayed towards the end of the year considering everything with covid.
  9. Wait a few months and KA are re releasing these. Probably better than paying overprice for a 10 year old 2nd hand rifle.
  10. Sent you a dm regarding this, not sure if you received it.
  11. Yeah they are going to re release these finally. You will be very hard pressed to find a even good 2nd hand one as most of them have not been made in 10 years.
  12. £150 for a broken bashed up gun?
  13. What a brilliant write up 😂
  14. Armo1000

    Glock 17 gen5

    Why so expensive? Can pick this up band new for £100 lol.
  15. £300 Seems a bit pricy considering you can get G&G MP5s brand new for £250-60
  16. Wait a few months. King arms are bringing these back in stock
  17. Armo1000


    What is this abomination 😂
  18. Armo1000

    King arms slr

    Wouldn't you be better of going for an Ares SLR? They are allot newer and far more available nowadays. The king arms SLR is over 10 years old and discontinued years ago, you will be very hard-pressed to find one of those and i don't know why you would want one anyway when you could get an Ares. (Edit: Apparently King Arms are going to bring their old FAL series back this year, so you might want to wait for that)
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