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Enid_Puceflange last won the day on January 28

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  • Guns
    GHK M4.
    GHK SIG 553.
    Tm Hk416D.
    TM G17 G5

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    Whatever suits my mood
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  1. That’s how it’s pronounced in his neck of the woods 😂
  2. Tm MWS has a massive amount of aftermarket support (though not all of it I would consider an upgrade) but enough users and support to see you until you retire from the hobby GHK QC has recently (2020 onwards) slowly deteriorated, “apparently” their tooling is wearing out so machine tolerances mare slowly getting worse Their AK version is slated for out of line trunions and squint barrels Though, to be honest, my pre ‘19 v1 M4 is superb with a couple of thoughtful upgrades. Parts are easily enough found from HK retailers I can’t really comment on the MP7, other than it is roughly 10% smaller in size than the RS version (rumour has it they copied the blueprint of the genuine item but not to scale 😂)
  3. I don’t think it will The only thing I found that will remove anodising is drain cleaner, it needs a soak in that and a good brillo Ano goes into the aluminiums pores, you really need something VERY aggressive to remove that (and whatever you use will also want to remove your skin!)
  4. Never a truer word typed I did it outside 😉 (and don’t smoke)
  5. You’ve asked the second most common question in Airsoft after… ”what am best gnu?”😄 Give it a wipe with a cloth covered in petrol, it’ll remove it in seconds without damage. you can use acetone or nail polish remover to, but it’ll take longerer 😉
  6. It’ll probably be the very same stuff Where did you purchase that from? When I’m gonna change my CAMS about for different RIF’s, I’d like to save money 😄
  7. Good advice here^^^ I started off with hi-cap mags, but the Tactical Maracas sound drove me mental I soon moved to mid caps for my aeg’s Theres nothing more satisfying than a tactical reload in the middle of a firefight!
  8. I have been using a Kydex custom & an Ali Exp “Kydex” holster, and tbh can barely tell the difference between the two. I just couldn’t justify the cost of a second holster that would accept my TLR1 clone, the Ali Exp version has the same retention feature as the FIVE TIMES more expensive genuine Kydex Customs one. I wrapped them both in OD Green material and you would never know between them what one was what. A QLS system allows me to swap between the two for when I decide (or more accurately- forget) what holster I had used last and wasn’t in my kit bag But both are for a G 17 I haven’t tried anything that is a general multi pistol system , so can’t comment on those
  9. You do, These posts only work with pictures! We WANT PICS!!! 😂
  10. Pick n pluck will eventually fall apart over time, individual cubes will detach Wave foam over that any day, especially if you intend to use your case to store/transport different replicas Shadow Foam is top teir though
  11. The Imaginatively and unforgettably named……… https://airsoftspareparts.com/en/
  12. Wot? Like my old ICS , I did enjoy it, but it was bloody heavy!
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