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    LCT AKM, KA Galil Sar
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    Generic militia
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  1. Thanks for keeping us updated, it's nice to see the problem was solved. Guarder selector and tappet plates are often a good call.
  2. Haven't much experience with JGs but quick question, what colour is the selector plate? Some of the ETUs can be temperamental with different colours.
  3. Some of the Specna arms/Cyma AKs are lighter than their LCT/E&L counterparts.In particular, the newer polymer furniture style. If you want an older model style some, of the TM AK47 clones are lighter. Think the G&G AK47s were light to the point of flimsy, so wouldn't necessarily go down that route. A Cyma/Dboys AKS74U might do the trick? The latter is available with polymer body.
  4. Hopefully we get an entertaining video out of it. Would be too convenient for the brands to be cross compatible.
  5. Think the Team Wendy helmets in XL, fit up to 63cm. So either a genuine or a knock off, might be an avenue worth exploring?
  6. If you're a AEG user, you might get a closer looking pistol grip than has been previously available. One positive.
  7. Pretty much everything in airsoft is overpriced compared to say a Cyma platinum. I'm glad to have a aeg FN FAL, particularly after a decade of the King Arms version being rarer than rocking horse poo. The higher quality externals/lower quality internals is acceptable for some. Look at VFC/ARES aegs too. Part of the price paid for snowflake replicas unfortunately.
  8. Use of some steel or at least better quality metal would be welcome. Some of the previous iterations suffered from cocking handles falling off and sights getting damaged. On the design front imagine they should go for a standard ak/short motor length. Not faffing around with a medium size one. The other models people have gotten various ETUs to work with, so should be decent on that front. LCT are usually good at making spares available so that's also a plus.
  9. That's a realistic concern. Had an early batch LCT G3, the mags were complete dreck. The Hi-caps were passable but the midcap magazines were rubbish feeders. Similar experience with the HK33. Also hoping they are decent construction. Had a VFC Scar H in an attempt to scratch the battle rifle itch. Could change out the springs in the midcaps but the magazines were prone to disassembling themselves. Can't be too negative, still great to see that they are coming out with the FAL. Plenty of potential options such as L1A1, FN's and some of the DSA style.
  10. Got sick of waiting for King Arms to do their re-release. You're quite correct in how much of a nightmare they are to find. Hoping that the disassembly of the LCT isn't as much of a pig as the KA was. Also if the magazines could work reliably from the get-go, that would be swell. LCT can be a bit disappointing in that respect.
  11. East German Aks would certainly be a nice extra too. The Bakelite stuff is getting harder to source. MP5 is logical given the HK33/53/G3 series they have already. As is the PKM, given the PKP. Hopefully the weight isn't too excessive. As regards the FAL, fantastic news. Hopefully they come out with a Para stock and some tacticool options too. They have an AK variant,which has a Galil style stock. Shouldn't be too difficult.
  12. One of the more interesting projects for 2025. As you point out, it would very much be a heart rather than brain purchase. The one concern I would have is that Lambda make their gearbox somewhat proprietary in its fit. One of the threads over at Arnies mentioned the gearbox mounting holes as being different spec than the A&K 249 box in one of their MK48 variants.
  13. Look forward to see them showing up in Macks tread. Rare custom Khyber pass Glock 19.
  14. Try using 0.28g next time you play. Made a big difference when I switched.
  15. Small bit of progress. DCA have a video of the prototype. Should be out in 2025 if we are lucky. Seems like they are prioritizing the L7A2. Nice if you pre-ordered one, the M240B/L will be taking longer.
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