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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. was he? can't say i've ever looked that far into that incident, i just know he's the canadian version of ned kelly
  2. google "killdozer" they ain't all freindly.....
  3. went to the optician the other day. been a while thanks to lockdown. ran through the usual tests but he seemed increasingly concerned as it went on. eventually when it was done he simply sighed. "what's wrong?" i asked "bad news i'm afraid" he replied "oh dear, can i see the results?" i asked with increasing concern in my voice he answered "i don't think so".....
  4. yep, and nobody cares to ask what the scary big kid soldier does when he goes home. they probably assume we spend all our time cradling our rifles muttering "soon my precious, soon" or some bs to that effect. i think re-enactors get away with a lot because of the history element, people value history. a nice thought, but i can't really see it happening on a wide enough scale, it's just too disorganized. i think the first step needs to be proper organisation, having an internal governing body that can both advocate to the outside and regulate the inside. would certainly add some legitimacy and stability to the hobby rather than relying on site owners making shit up as they go along.
  5. yep, like it or not we're the bad guys, at least when it comes to politics.
  6. this is why image is so important. it's why folk care about for example the "big" airsoft youtubers because that's the image that the world is gonna see whenever it wants to take a look at airsoft, and given the attitudes against guns and gun-like pursuits it's probably not the wisest idea to give them the kindling. better the world think us a sad bunch of larping nerds than anything that can be considered a threat, but every fights and flipouts video, every dsg justice, every 500fps to the balls clickbait video is doing its work to cement our hobby as an aggresive, violent pursuit that breeds harmful behaviour regardless of the reality. funny i was chatting to a mate the other day, given under lockdown i'd been having second thoughts about wether i really wanted to keep airsoft going and a big part of the argument is it would be so liberating to have a hobby when i don't have to be so surreptitious and secretive about what i do for fun, something that didn't need to be explained to people etc.
  7. damn, i figured they were enjoying the us-style freedom with a lot of restrictions being community driven rather than external. in america it's because they have a very strong opposition to fight against. tbh my view on it is i don't have a problem with exactly what people can legally own/use, only how difficult it is to access via appropriately vetted licensing and registration. sentencing on crimes isn't going to help, people still commit murders in states with the death penalty, generally folk committing crimes either think they're going to get away with it, or don't care if they get caught or not.
  8. the problem is when has a law restricting guns or airsoft come into force, and then been repealed or made less severe? i'd worry that if this doesn't get fought now, it never will be. i hope the canadian airsoft community is strong enough to do that. i do sometimes wonder, as much as i think the yanks have far too much freedom in this regard, if the rednecks have a point when they cry slippery slope every time a move is made against the 2nd amendment.
  9. *shudders* a note for new players- most folks won't judge you for having a 2-toned gun, it's a necessary evil and we get not everyone wants to serve their time renting. an orange m4, ak, g36 or mb01 isn't going to raise any eyebrows. but 2-tone something rare and shiny and it's a different story.....
  10. i suppose i don't exactly keep track of canadian politics. funny i thought it had gone the other way with them becoming more americanised (ie less restrictive when it comes to firearms, at least culturally). it's a shame that anything gun related is such an easy political target, not that i'm for the banning (distinct from sensibly controlling access) of firearms but in countries where firearm access is heavily restricted airsoft is at least a way for gun-guys to enjoy something.
  11. so devices that are functionally airsoft guns are still find as long as they don't look like real guns? sounds like this was written by a speedsofter....... does seem out of the blue, isn't canada's actual firearm laws a lot less restricted than the uk? seems counter intuitive for them to ban airsoft when surely people using toy pews is preferable to having them running around with actual hardware......
  12. i don't, i hate external lense protectors so much i'm prepared to accept losing the occasional optic. now i've only ever had 2 optics been hit, and only one of those damaged beyond usability. but maybe that's just luck.
  13. [negative airsoft] so installs the gate control software except it didn't, won't install again and windows be like "nope, no software here" fuuuuuuu so installs the beta software this actually works, yay installs usb drivers updates firmware sets up gun, calibrating sensors n shit plugs in battery motor moves about half a mm "beeeep" fu titan plugs back into pc no sector gear and over current [/negative airsoft] considering i knew this shit was coming, someone wanna remind me exactly why i thought this was a good idea? sorted now, it was just too impatient to wait for the sector to do a full rotation apparently.....
  14. don't recall seeing that one, but then i don't watch too many reviews.....
  15. urgh, now i remember why i'm not a fan of the titan. may be great when it's up and working but man that's a lot of cashmonies sitting very close to a lot of things that need *ahem* persuasion to get sat in. it does, although tbh trigger pull in and of itself isn't really the problem i'm wanting to solve.
  16. shouldn't be getting semi lockup on a warfet? main reason i'm doing it, as frivolous as it sounds, is literally because when you fire a burst in auto, switch back to semi and it doesn't have precock...... well, that and i'm extraordinarily bored. yep, because i missed the feeling of being "that guy" now i don't run hpa any more.....
  17. or maybe if it isn't numerous but something eccentric with a bunch of proprietary parts. tbh you want a review it's really tricky. on the one hand reviewers who get sent stuff for free are inclined to shill in order to keep good relations, but likewise if someone's reviewing something they spent their hard earned money on they might be unwilling to admit to themselves (and by extension the world) that it's actually kinda trash. there's also the issue of day-one reviews/unboxings when you can't really get a feel for something, for example i could review a gbb pistol in the middle of summer and declare it the greatest gun ever, but 2 years and a few thousand rounds down the line in the middle of winter it'll be a different story.
  18. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    nope that is the seal. the concept is the shape of it mushrooms out a bit when the gas pressure hits it sealing it up against the walls, although they do seem to be somewhat sensitive and easily worn. it should have a very light fit to the nozzle going the whole way down, if the nozzle is bulged it might seem a nice fit at the end but not once it's all the way in. you can get aftermarket styles that look almost like a miniature aeg piston head with a seperate o-ring. maybe a grub screw or a pin? can't really tell from the pic. in theory anything behind the piston head *shouldn't* matter for air seal so unless it's loose/wobbling then might not be an issue. as @Alimcd sayd if you're replacing the bbu might as well change the nozzle as well, just in case it's scored/bulged/had the rocket valve spring snipped.
  19. this is where the tm "you only need 0.8j" argument falls down, energy is energy after all. in a vacuum? actually that doesn't even work thanks to our freind mr magnus.....
  20. tbh for a 1j gun i'd say even 49 is on the optimistic side unless you're talking .4g+ ammo.
  21. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    sticking is good, should mean it's not leaking too bad there. if you're wanting to blast some heavier ammo then the ml autobot/decepticon is my go-to for pistols with the vsr type bucking. i'm pretty sure it is, but there might be some proprietary stuff mixed in. hmm, unless all 3 mags are short then sounds like that's not the issue. if it's still chucking out a lot of gas from the slide rather than the barrel i'm still thinking it's a leak somewhere around the nozzle, maybe the piston head is worn/loose. or maybe a problem with the float valve. tbh my gbb knowledge isn't massive so hopefully others might be able to chime in with more specific suggestions.
  22. Adolf Hamster

    Low FPS

    so there are a couple of places you could be getting gas leaks. the easiest to check is the hop-nozzle, if you pull the mag and very gently draw the slide back the nozzle should "stick" in the hop for a bit (although not to the point where you can lock the slide all the way back and it still sticks) aftermarket hop rubbers like the maple leaf autobot/decepticon have a little metal c-clip around one end to give a bit more pressure when sticking to the nozzle which can work a treat (although there is such a thing as too tight) the second 2 aren't so easy. first is the piston head which depends on the manufacturer, some use o-rings others use shaped pads and sometimes it's a mini piston head similar to an aeg, this could be worn. if the gun's spend a lot of time firing heavy ammo on high pressure gas there could also be a bulge in the nozzle cylinder which could mess things up as well. iirc (read: citation needed) the combat master is cloned tm internals so shouldn't be too hard to find a suitable replacement. second is the mag-nozzle interface, this is a tricky one to really measure as it's not possible to really observe too well with the gun dissassembled. one thing to check is that the mag catch isn't worn as the mag sitting slightly lower down than normal means that gap will be giving a leak. if holding the magazine up into the gun cures the gas venting then this might be your problem. there are aftermarket gas routers by the likes of 9-ball although which exact version you want to use i'm not sure. this is assuming the hammer spring isn't too weak as has been mentioned, and there's no dirt/grit blocking the system that would give a light strike. the other possibility is the float valve has a weak spring to it, closing too fast. however given the thing is spewing gas i'd check the seals first and see what that does.
  23. I dunno, whack a big enough can on a dragonuv and a body bag is probably gonna be about the right overall length.
  24. I vaguely recall him mentioning during first lockdown he was staying away because he didnt like being reminded he cant play.
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