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  1. SRC makes a good quality one and it isn't expensive. They are available in black or tan. I've seen them as low as £40 and as high as £80 (overpriced) over the last couple of years. Unfortunately they appear to be sold out in most places. Fortunately they are still available here, and at a fair price: https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/src-28-71-0cm-smg-hard-case-tan-p-49-dt Those retailers with the term BBGuns in the title also tend to have them: https://bbgunsuk.co.uk/airsoft-gun-carry-case-in-tough-plastic-mid-size-in-black/ Great little boxes with a tough plastic with little to no flex. They are also useful for multiple pistol transportation. And other things too.
  2. I have always believed these were interchangeable, and others have confirmed this. However, on looking at the respective TM parts diagrams, I was surprised to find this does not seem to be the case. The serial number of the TM 5.1 bbu shell is H51-11 The serial number of the 4.3 bbu shell is H43-5 However the internal parts for the shell of both the 5.1 and 4.3 do have the same numbers and that should make them identical. Can I really put a 5.1 bbu in a 4.3 slide?

    • Wanted
    • As new

    Without the TM rails attached (I don't like them) but with the side plate and screw. Might consider the stainless version if it is mint. The price of new frames, when you can actually get them, seems to be around 40 pounds which I am prepared to pay for an as new one, plus postage of course.


  4. Thanks for the reply. It is a black 5.1 hi capa frame that I want. It must be in good condition and not have those horrible TM rails attached. I have only seen two or three for sale, all out of stock. I think I'll try posting in the wanted section.
  5. These aren't always as easy to get hold of as you might think. Which is strange when you consider that the TM hi capa is probably the most customised airsoft pistol there is. I know Ebog Designs sell off parts left over after builds, as did Elite Shooting Centre, but Hi Capa Hub doesn't appear to, and there are very few oem parts on second had forums. Can anybody recommend a site I may not have come across?
  6. Thanks very much to you all.
  7. Thanks. Point about the barrel duly noted. What about the tm bbu: will it fit the Guarder slide without much sanding?
  8. Yes, sorry. I am specifically interested in the TM Gen 4 Glock 17 paired with a cnc Guarder slide. Usually with a Guarder slide the tm bbu needs modifying. If it is one of the more recent, more expensive cnc slides, I am assuming the TM bbu would be a straight fit. Thanks for the reply.
  9. Will these work with the plastic barrel? Does the TM bbu still have to be modified to fit.
  10. Thank you very much for your reply. I found it very helpful.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. I think the AM frames are more expensive than a cerakote treatment and may need the additional purchase of some steel parts in the hammer unit.
  12. I wanted one of the Infinity Vintage ones by Airsoft Masterpiece, but they are sold out in most places. Eventually I found one in Hong Kong shop. I had wanted black but this one was in titanium grey, which would have been my second choice anyway, so I bought it. I don't generally go for two tone guns and so I began to consider these options for the lower frame: 1. Get it cerakoted grey - with grip safety, slide safety and slide stop would probably come to well north of a hundred quid. 2. Buy a 5.1 stainless and use the lower frame and silver safeties from that - it would be no more expensive than a cerakote job but with the advantage of having a new gun and additional magazine. I know the silvery grey finish flakes off quickly, but I could remove it altogether, polish it up and spray with a clear coat to limit oxidation. 3. Strip off the black paint on the lower frame I already have and repaint it grey. I would have to buy three rattle cans for this: primer, top coat and clear coat. 4. Just leave it alone as a two tone pistol. After all it doesn't look bad. I could even put a grey grip and magwell on it, for the sake of balance. I never skirmish my pistols - I don't even holster them. They get only light occasional use in my garden so I feel the cerakote option is difficult to justify in terms of cost. Is it possible that the TM mock stainless finish might last a bit longer then some people say. After all lots of people still buy that version despite the finish being a well known issue. The finish on the black lowers is pretty fragile too for that matter. What do you reckon?
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