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Skara last won the day on February 24 2023

Skara had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    Cyma CM.045, Specna C-02 and C-08, KA 9mm PDW, Action Army T-11,2x AAP-01, TM MK23 and G17.
  • Loadouts
    God's Plaid and Ranger Green, with a sprinkle of A-Tacs FG thrown in.
  • Sites
    Private Team Site (Italy)
  • Gender
  • Location
    La Spezia, Italy
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving, Ski, MTB, Bushcraft, Mechanical stuff, Architecture.

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  1. Is Maple Airsoft still alive?


    Been looking for some gen 2 SuperFeed springs but they seem to be out of stock pretty much everywhere bar Amped and a couple of canoodian shops.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Out of stock in Belgium.

      I will order directly from them, it's 50 odd yuros for 4 packs and shipping.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Yeah my bad, had 9 m4 mags to do...

    4. Skara


      I have 6 M4 mags, 3 ARP9 mags and I'll keep a spare set for when I get more ARP midcaps.

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