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    Ok...Multicam in the closet now...Hello Woodland, so much better!
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    Various around W.Midlands etc..
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  1. First game for an entire month and I go lose an pistol mag..£25 gone just like that.  Crap...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. adox


      I lost my pistol mag on my first ever game. 2 months later one of the marshals found it. 😂👍

    3. Mad Rag

      Mad Rag

      this is why im scared to get a trmr incase it get lost or picked uped lol 


    4. Druid799


      But by that chain of thought your not going to buy ANY kit as it’ll either get lost or broken ? Mags get lost because the catch gets activated in the holster , so either get a holster that’s plastic or  get a decent quality cordura one OR you can put a mag safe strap on handle of your pistol . 

      As to the TRMR , there’s a unique serial No on it , take a pic on your phone the day you have it with all the packaging visible as well and no one can deny it’s yours . Loosing them ? Pay attention to where you throw it and DON’T lob it halfway across the site either ! 🤦‍♂️

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