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Everything posted by Oli.Hanks

  1. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Swap only
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    Hiya so old tm mp7 nice bit of kit love it but im a one gun kinda guy and have almost finished a new 0roject so see ya mp7 im up to trade for anything really but not one for aeg's. It has 5 mags only 1 of which does currently work thats only because im in the process of my yearly maintance and that number will change by the end of the week as im taking them apart and resealing them all haha cheers oli P.s. sight needs new battery


    - GB


    • For sale
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    Hi folks had this sitting in a draw unused for far too long and got a speeding ticket yesterday so I need it gone I drive from Wiltshire to Manchester most weekends so happy to meet and give it to you or post it Postage and PayPal fees on top


    - GB

  3. Oli.Hanks

    TM 416C

    This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Hi folks, Selling my tm416c im willing to swap or part ex for a decent gbb smg like an mp9 with extras. Rif is stock and doesnt come with the original peq box or grip as i prefer the battery grip option. Comes with a gen vortex strikefire 2 a fake non working dbal and a working fake surefire torch and 2 magpul midcaps its anawesome hit of kit but too heavy for me and im just not a fan of the ergos anymore so i want to go small and tighter. Obviously itll be shipped in its case and the foam defo needs a bit of work. Preferably id like to have it picked up from manchester. Price breakdown: Vortex- 210 416- 570 Dbal/torch-50 Grip-27 Mags-44 Battery-free Case-free Total-901 30%-630


  4. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Selling as a job lot cba to fix its a box of random bits and enough to make two rifs except one needs rewiring in the box there is all sorts and mostly high spec gear or real steal like the gemtech rails or magpul stock and other bits like barrel nuts and outer/inner barrels one madbull barrel and a prowin hop unit enough bits and bobs to make two complete rifs and change the furntiture as 5ish times in all the box is probs worth 200 quid on bits and 250 with the rifs so its a steal at 150 quid want to get rid off it all in one go and can provide more details on request not willing to split for time being unless offered a good price. The classic army rif works perfectly fine and is probs worth 175 quid so tgis box is a steal


    - GB

  5. Oli.Hanks

    WE ACR MSK aeg

    Interested in a ghk m4?
  6. GHK M4 forged receiver 2 working mags and 1 leaky?
  7. Would you be willing to trade/part ex?
  8. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale or swap
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    Comes with 2 mags absoloutly loved it once but dont have time for it and need cash it is pretty beat up but it works fine.


    Furness vale, Derbyshire - GB

  9. Samoon has 30%off at the moment on zentico i think
  10. Aliexpress a fellow forum user enlightened me its the home of chine clones
  11. I would like to see a china clone one day
  12. Just found the red dot sight its 500 quid
  13. What RDS is it on the black striker
  14. The ultimate sh*t post... dadum tss
  15. Saw a guy with a modified m870 this weekend
  16. You could very easily turn that forgrip into an extendable monopod
  17. Awesome thanks yea that torch wite is currently not attached to anything haha
  18. What do you guys think fake magpul or no... and EOT tech or ACOG?
  19. Agreed now lets let this go back to the gun pick thread people
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