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Steveocee last won the day on February 15 2021

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    don't kill people, rappers do!
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  1. P&P really makes me cry 😥. I am so used to free postage or Prime delivery that I find myself not ordering at times due to postage prices on small parts.

    1. Rogerborg


      It's a killer for UK / EU businesses, and it winds me up no end that China is still getting a free ride as a "developing" nation.


      This is down to global price fixing by the Universal Postal Union who simply dictate the price, to the extent that the US is now subsiding China to the tune of $500m a year to send them Chinese goods.


      We, of course, roll over, slap the bill onto taxation, and take it.


      The God Emperor has different ideas: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/25/un-universal-postal-union-mail-deal-trump


      “Once a country declares their rate, exporting countries will have to factor that cost; it means that cost will be transferred to the person sending that item ... When you are in a country and you buy items overseas, the end-customer will definitely have to pay a higher price.“


      Yes, the real price, rather than one subsidised through taxing you and everybody else.



    2. Steveocee


      Such a killer though when shop A has some parts you need and shop B has others but both charge nearly the parts RRP to post it to you. Airsoft I find is bad for it due to the wildly varying stock levels between retailers.

    3. L3wisD


      There was some funny threads on UKAC on Facebook yesterday about some guy claiming Dave's custom airsoft was ripping him off for postage.. even though the guy agreed to it by putting his basket through.


      Hilarity ensued.

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