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Robert James

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Robert James last won the day on May 18 2020

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  • Guns
    TM MP7 TM VSR10 G&G GTP-9
  • Loadouts
    Greg "budget" CTFSO
  • Sites
    The Mall, The Gaol
  • Gender
  • Location
    North London

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  1. Looking for suggestions. Either a small primary or something to sling when I'm sniping. Currently considering the ASG MP9 or the ARP9. Any others thoughts welcomed 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      Thanks @ziCk_. I think I'm going to go down the route of either an Mp9, ICS PDW9, or maybe the arp556. Unless I can find something else that tickles my fancy. Nearly bought an evo again, decided not to. Want a glock, but they are annoying when it comes to tracers etc. 


      Also, none of my friends have a ukara number either 

    3. ziCk_


      ICS PDW9 is great feel but it cycles twice on 11.1v on weak spring (complying with UK limits) so gotta run it at 7.4v. It's definitely not worth the money but damn it feels premium and looks super cool. It's more of "I want that gun" rather than "it's great piece of kit for the money". Don't get me wrong, I love it to bits but ARP9 just blows it out of the water when it comes to raw performance (and size, and weight, and drum magazine... I'm thinking about getting another ARP9 drum, butchering it and adapting for PDW9... look I normally hate hi-caps and the rattle and winding but ARP drum is just perfection). I'm surprised you've got rid of Scorpion - I mean, I've played around with it, borrowed from one of the guys that attends the field and as soon as I can afford it and someone sells grey one second hand I will grab one for myself. It's absolutely perfect in every way (I get that need to press slide release on reload might be annoying if one is not used to it tho). If you really want that ICS I will say go for it but I feel like ARP556 offers better value, also it's available in stock which can't be said about ICS products sadly... - it is butt ugly tho :P


      Oh are you in the market for a pistol as well? My 3 favourite pistols I recommend to everyone and activelly use (I have a WE Glock 17 too but I rarely use it.. used it before got AAP-01 because of cheap extended magazines available):

      1) AAP-01 (this is the best looking Glock... because it looks like Ruger Mk.IV xD)

      2) CZ P-09 (pretty much no customisation whatsoever but it just works out of the box and over many years never had any issues with them... I own 2 now, because wanted one in grey as well :D)

      3) CZ Shadow 2 (it's just marvelous, perfect copy of competition gun but again, no aftermarket parts... not that you need them - one of best pistols out of the box IMHO, the only thing it really lacks are extended magazines)

      CZs can be ran both on CO2 (after 1st shot it's within fps limit) and Green Gas so it's perfect for this cold climate.


    4. Robert James

      Robert James

      I've had an evo before. It was the BET version, it put me off. The 2020 revision version seems better, but it just feels like a gun that everybody says is great, once you spend money on it. 

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