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Robert James

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Robert James last won the day on May 18 2020

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM MP7 TM VSR10 G&G GTP-9
  • Loadouts
    Greg "budget" CTFSO
  • Sites
    The Mall, The Gaol
  • Gender
  • Location
    North London

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  1. Other than @Albiscuit Who is going to Plantation on the 3rd? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      @Albiscuit none of my mates are free that weekend so we're heading to either Gloucester prison or Portsmouth prison by UCAP either of the weekends after if you wanted to join

    3. Albiscuit


      Both a bit far for me, I don’t fancy the drive there, playing then driving back 😕 plus I can’t do the 27th and not sure on my plans on 10th yet

    4. Robert James
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