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Brauster last won the day on October 14 2016

Brauster had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    Ares AM-013
    WE L85A2 GBB
    Ares Striker AS-01
    WE PX4
  • Loadouts
    Constantly changing
  • Sites
    Worthing Airsoft
  • Gender
  • Location
    West Sussex

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  1. Yes it is the Surplus one. Most of my loadout is surplus so all goes with the theme
  2. It didn't stay looking like above for long at all!
  3. It wont be staying like this for long!
  4. OK enough is enough for a while! Open bolt mags in Tan are cheaper than in black for some reason. Bought a SUSAT scope aswell
  5. Devil Blaster.30g Nuprol 3 gas WE open bolt GBB L85A2 2 extra mags.
  6. Now to wait for other Striker upgrades to become available.
  7. It's arrived! Now to see how good or bad it is!
  8. Sounds promising for just a spring upgrade then. The one I ordered was chrono'd at 300fps and I have a few springs at home to try when I receive it so will see what happens.
  9. Have also just orderd myself one of these but in black! Looks like they run a SP90 spring as standard but awaiting confirmation, Will hopefully receive mine on Monday/Tuesday. Will Look to see how tough the internals look before just chucking a spring inside it and keep you all posted.
  10. Ares mid caps x2 speed loaders x2 Magpul Style vertical foregrip
  11. No Longer have a Problem with small batteries on the Honeybadger and while I was at it I thought why not get the barrel stabiliser.
  12. Always wanted one so thought why not. So far very impressed.
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