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    Taskforce Cowbridge
    Full Metal Airsoft Ammanford
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  1. I know you can cut off pieces of the spring to reduce the fps, but that seems like a big difference, I would recommend checking out this spring chart for a rough estimate of the FPS, http://www.airsoftcanada.com/SpringChart.php But personally, I'd suggest getting the gun chrono'd first, a friend of mine has a gun that was listed as 330, 'tested' at 350 before being dispatched, and then came in at 390 on the field!
  2. I think that sums up everything I've bought in regards to airsoft so far
  3. That's a good question.. As far as I remember correctly it has to be a non-military colour, or a bright colour covering 51% of the gun at least. The red/yellow ones probably would be considered two-tone, can't really tell for sure with the rest.
  4. http://blog.airsoft-squared.com/german-gun-law Germany is quite restrictive on their airsoft laws, would be worth a full read in your case.
  5. Having a UKARA number was his main concern in regards to selling it, and obviously would refuse if I tried to buy it without one, he has offered to keep hold of it for me until I have my UKARA. Would be great if you stopped assuming everyone was trying to break the law.
  6. A good place to check is here; http://www.airsoftmap.net/skirmish/ There's a few around liverpool, hopefully within that 2 hour travel distance. Shame to hear about your local site though
  7. Please re-read my original post. I would try to purchase a RIF without a valid defence, as that puts the seller in a postiom where they are breaking the VCRA. The guy who offered to sell it to me is actually keeping hold of it for me until I get one, plus I clearly stated in the OP that it was for in future.
  8. My bad, I misread how it was worded in terms of replica but that was in regards of the G36C.
  9. I don't want a clone that'll break on me, I wan't something reliable within my sites limits, and is in stock, I've searched through countless amount of websites and they are all either price or from the US..
  10. So maybe instead of bashing retailers (which I wasn't going to use) maybe you could provide me some I could actually use? So far the only site I've found is Patrolbase and Airsoftworld, but both are out of stock or too high FPS if in stock
  11. Isn't TaiwanGuns clones of the original JG though? How will this effect the performance of it?
  12. Hi, I'm looking for somewhere I can buy a G36, not two-toned (I don't have a UKARA number, I'm simply looking on where I can get a G36 in future when I acquire a UKARA number, and have the money) My budget is about £150, don't really fancy spending more then that for a beginner/intermediate gun, I've seen a lot of G&G and JG G36s, but they are all above my sites FPS limit, which is 350. Really appreciate it, thanks. And sorry if this is in the wrong section wasn't sure where to really post it.
  13. My local site is Taskforce Bridgend, and I'm pretty sure it's £45 for the whole shabbang. As for the mags not fitting, that isn't really a big issue for me. I decided to cancel the order, I'll purchase a JG G36C (or G36K) with a tone-tone service, only problem is now that'll take an extra week for it to be sprayed, when my game is on the 28 I'll just have to rent gear.
  14. Appreciate your input Rental gear is a bit much for my site, £45! I am saving a bunch of money, surely the blackviper G36 may not be the best but it should get me through 3 games, right? Do you think the JG G36C is a good AEG that will last me awhile, I'm considering playing long term and I want something nice that'll hopefully last (Heck I'd be happy to get a year or two out of it for £150 really)
  15. Hey guys, new to this forum and airsofting in general. I recently bought a Blackviper G36 (Yes I know, not the best) -- But it's my first airsoft gun (If you could even call it that) and I plan on going to my first airsoft game in about a week, my goal is to use this first time and to use it to get a basic feel of the game, I really like the G36 look, so I'm probably gonna go for a JG G36C (http://www.airsoftworld.net/jg-g36c-assault-rifle-g608.html) when I have the money for it. I don't have a UKARA membership/number so that's my problem when buying a gun, it's not easy to find a decent gun that I can get cheaply 'two-toned'. Plus I don't really fancy spending a lot of money on a gun straight away without even having played a few games. On that fact, I don't see a point in buying a two-toned version of a decent gun, when I can get a UKARA membership relatively soon, I'd then be stuck with a bright gun when it's not necessary. My last question is, with the JG G36C, it's listed at 350FPS and my site's maximum is listed at 350FPS, is there a way of lowering the FPS by about 10 maybe for it to be in the safezone? Still new to the world of airsoft, so bear with me Thanks!
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