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Everything posted by Reb3l

  1. Sub machine guns are great but will you be playing mainly CQB because sub machine guns are mostly next to useless in outdoor seeking a so it might be worth thinking about a carbine loadout or just something a bit bigger than a MP5 if you go playing outdoor
  2. Beside it's not fool proof I suspect the quality wouldn't be to great unless it a really expensive one so it would be easy to hide from it
  3. When I mean drone I do not mean a quad drone with a gun attached to it gunning down opposition I meant purely for recon purposes and beside, it would be easy to avoid detection with camouflage and there would be no need to shoot it as that would give away your location more than hiding would (although I do not for a second think that people wouldn't shoot at it)
  4. Air rifles you can just buy but can only be used on private property
  5. Nah a lightsabre just annoys them and that's what your aiming for, plus it looks cooler sneaking up behind someone and get out your lightsabre and HIT
  6. 1.shave legs 2.buy $500 sunglasses 3.use lots of gel
  7. Ok modified it now to recon should of seen it coming
  8. But where do I get a woggel from 😯😯😯😯
  9. As its after Christmas I now have money albeit not enough for a gun but enough to buy some gear I would like to have a recon loadout. ( NOT A SNIPER) preferably something flexible that can be used as a cqb loadout. Suggestions appreciated
  10. The main reason for fogging is restricted airflow even if you still the holes through you will still get fogging though not as much if you truly want to get rid of fogging get mesh goggles.
  11. Yep and Jedi walking round with nothing but a lightsabre blocking bbs with there force like reflexes and going on massive kill streaks
  12. I have used airsoft gas masks and it's horrible the lenses fog up something terrible it is extremely difficult to breathe and you cannot see very well
  13. Removing the foam would reduce the fog on your full seal goggles but where the foam is it would be extremely difficult to get a bb through it.
  14. Thanks guys didn't mean a anything negative about it was just curious
  15. I have and nothing comes up for me
  16. While surfing the intent I came across this video about drone use in airsoft I wondered if this was the future for airsoft. Opinions appreciated.
  17. Ok thanks but what about people who spend hundreds on kit is that a sensible thing to do
  18. I went to paintball once and hated it 😕
  19. I'm near Gloucester so gear is difficult to come by as most people look down on it
  20. At my first airsoft skirmish I noticed a lot of players wearing, what they called, necessary impression kits with the full gear, bags, helmets, ear defenders ,go pros and exotic camos. As a noob to this sport I wondered if this was normal to spend hundreds of pounds on kit then sell it and get new even more expensive gear. Though I think this isn't normal I would appreciate your opinions and thoughts on what gear is deemed as necessary(excluding Rifle and face protection) and what is just plain showing off Also if you have any experience of meeting these players please note Below. Opinions and suggestions appreciated.
  21. Zero one is your best bet as it has some good AEGs and the g&g combat machine range with free 2-tone but don't forget the additional protection eg. Eye protection face protection and chest rigs/plate carriers and any other accessories you may want. Also it may helpful to set a budget otherwise you can't spend hundreds.
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