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Everything posted by Reb3l

  1. Yeah uk law can be a bit stupid did you know your not allowed to die in the houses of parliament
  2. Hi guys so after Christmas I want to start airsofting. And eventually after a while of skirmishing I want to go to MilSIm events and I wondered a few things like what to take, do certain events and certain teams require certain Gear. do you need more battery's etc.. Are there limits on ammo and grenades and age limits. opinions appreciated.
  3. I've only got MTP cause of cadets, it's good but I agree it is overused
  4. I use a cricket bag case lots of room and easy to move and no one stares at you very discreet
  5. they pretty much hate anything to do with war and they don't take me to cadets and know little about it.
  6. I'm in the cadets corps so that pretty much don't do anything with me
  7. Ive had a look around and theres not much on this subject and I have a few questions to ask. 1. What are the different types of batterys used in airsoft? 2. What type is recommended for new players? 3. How much are they roughly? 4. Where is the best place to buy them? 5. Should I buy 2 or more and with a smart charger? 6. What is a smart charger? Suggestions appreciated.
  8. I wear mesh but I also wear some small glass that fit under to protect my eyes from the fragments if there are any.
  9. Thanks guys,this has been my dream a while to be able to play airsoft without my parents hating me
  10. Thanks guys,this has been my dream a while to be able to play airsoft without my parents hating me
  11. After Christmas, which is when I get my money, I'm going to get kitted out for airsoft. I know what I want to get and where from but my parents hate airsoft (for obvious reasons) and I love it. I've been once under the pretence of visiting a friends house, bug my parents found out. Now my parents will not yeild the dont mind me getting the gear but they will not let me buy the gun. I have an older brother whose 18, moved out and recently picked up the sport which is how he gets around it but what can I do? opinions ans suggestions appreciated.
  12. I saw this on youtube and wondered if it was a safe thinb for people who dont want to buy smoke. https://m.youtube.com/results?q=how%20to%20make%20a%20smoke%20bomb%20&sm=1 Opinions appreciated.
  13. Ok thanks guys dont worry my bro knows whats legal
  14. Sorry about multiple post wifi kept drashing and it wasnt showing
  15. Ok so I recently went to my first skirmish it was great and I really enjoyed myself now im looking to get into the sport and get my own gear. Now hears the problem I have two friends who both do airsoft one has been playing ages and goes to milsim event and the other has been playing for about 3 years. When I said I wanted to get an M4 varient the one who has been playing for 3 years said to get a G and G combat machine cm16 carbine like him from zero one which is £100 odd but the other said to get a £90 gun from gunfire pl which he said is better. Now ive heard alot of good things about the combat machines and some good things about gunfire pl. Plus the rifle from gunfire comes with a mag, battery and charger while the combat machine comes only with a mag. Now I have an older brother with UKARA so I dont have to worry about 2 tone. And with christmas coming up I will have about £150 to spend but I need to get other gear too. opinions appreciated Thanks . I'll link the rifles below http://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152200409-DG03B-carbine-replica.html http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=5645&osCsid=b943f1b6e305b3be85e2bf07f11d32d8
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