Hello fellow enthusiasts,
Well I'm totally new to this and looking to get into the world of airsoft. Thing is though, pro guns are rather expensive for me to start with, I will get round to more expensive weapons but for now I just do a bit of back yard shooting with my 14 year old neighbour (yeah I'm 29 and 6ft 4, why do I feel I need to hide from respectable neighbours lol?) he has a Cyma sniper, Remington, 1911 and thy are not bad weapons! I have a de g46, p.698, g.054c but to be honest I am lacking in firepower! ( I only bought my cheap weapons cos they look cool and very cheap, I never knew there was a whole world or airsoft and milsim etc!! This is like a dream come true! I used to be really into military and guns etc as a kid but can't help feeling like people laugh at me cos I'm older and into running around with toy guns.
I'm really looking to get into the sport and go to meets and events etc but, thing is, I'd get laughed at cos my guns are crap and excluded from making friends cos I don't have expensive beasts, I also have rubbish knowledge of airsoft guns too and I'm rather quiet so folk would just ignore me probably?
So are airsoft people approachable and non-judgemental and willing to help a noob out? I know everyone is different but I'm looking for a general census on what you guys are like. I am daunted by a group with 350 fps+ with full uniforms and expert knowledge.
So yeah I look forward to meeting all y'all!
Craig RIngWorm Denholm