I've been lurking around for a while reading different topics, guide, etc. regarding airsofting and I had a feeling that I should introduce myself and say thank you for all the useful information I found here, so here I am.
As a brief info about me, I'll be 29 in May, from Romania, currently living in London for about 2 years now. I've discovered airsoft after I bumped into a video made by Bodgeups which made me curious and oh boy where do I start. Since then only airsoft is in my mind and I tend to bore to death my girlfriend when I tell her every day that I want to start doing this sport. I`m a passionate video gamer and basically loved almost every CallofDuty, Battlefield,MedalofHonor games that were created. I do remember when I was a child I had back in my country some spring guns that fired single shot BB`s ( an Ak47, 1911, DesertEagle), of course every thing was cheap plastic made in china and you can imagine it didn't last long. Now I would like to book a game at Blitz CQB as I think its the closest to me to have a taste of the game, to actually see if its right for me (I have no doubts, but you may never know). And after to start playing games to get my UKARA number, so I could start spending some money on the gear I would like to purchase and some guns. I already started making a shopping list in Excel with links to different sites and I do have to say that the figures quite put me on some thought, as I tend to go for top of the line so to say products as I bend towards once and good, than twice and bad, but I don't think that this applies here as you don't use your equipment every day. And here comes Ian`s guide handy, to whom I would like the say a sincere Thank you. I`m sure if I`d find that this sport is for me I`d be reading it over and over again in the process of acquiring gear. Also I would like to thank to all members that are active and share their ideas and opinions. For sure in the near future you'll be "shouting" at me "use the search functions" when ever I'll start new topics on same subject that all noobs do.
Before I close, as I was looking for different tutorials or guides on the internet I stumbled on this guy on youtube which has a short series of 4 episodes where he makes an introduction for beginners to airsoft. I found them really informative and the guy has some funny jokes, here are the links Part1, Part2, Part3 and Part4 .
And to close this with a smile this morning when my girlfriend woke up to go to work, I've asked here "Would you like a helmet with a scope too ? ", don't ask me what is that I don't know either and she's trolling me since then. I think was something deviated from this as I was sleeping like a baby.
So that's it from me, wish you best of luck and take cover.