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  • Guns
    G & G CM16 SRL
    JG BAR 10
    AA Glock 17
  • Loadouts
    UK DPM
    UK MTP
    Jeans, T-shirt and Hoodie!
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  1. Xsite is good. We'll worth a try if it's within range.
  2. Like the look of this, not far from me and been looking for new places recently.
  3. Hi, Just to let you know I've just received an order from taiwangun.com today (a JG BAR 10 sniper rifle plus scope and bipod). I ordered it on Sunday night. No additional charges to pay as its coming from another EU country. Can't believe I've found this place, its awesome. Just ordered another £200's worth of stuff including pistol and a load of kit. Mad not to buy from them.
  4. JG BAR 10 3-9 x 40 scope Bipod Time to get sniping! Ordered from taiwangun.com in Poland, should arrive Wednesday
  5. Hi, I'm in West Berks too, only started last August so relatively new still. X Site Lane End isn't too far away (depending on where you are of course). I'm So far West Berkshire its almost Wiltshire and I know we're a bit limited on sites round this way. Anyway, belated welcome!
  6. I've done a similar thing using a couple of cushions and shooting from one room to the end of a hallway (about ten metres). My 3 year old daughter likes to run down and collect the bbs when we're finished. My Mrs thinks I'm mental.
  7. My mate has a chrome one, TM I think but he's had it since Santa was a boy
  8. Hi! I live in Berkshire and have done for so long I don't even pronounce the H on words starting with H anymore, 'owever, my family all still live in Scotland and I'm looking at taking my Airsoft gear up there next time I visit and getting my brother to go to a skirmish. I reckon he'd enjoy it being ex TA and closet military enthusiast. So, where's good to go, he lives just outside Edinburgh, done a quick bit of googling and came up with Section 8 who look quite good. Anyone been there recently? Are there any other places worth a visit that aren't too much of a drive?
  9. If you could find somewhere like in an easy to reach location and turn into an airsoft venue that would be great. Could be a good location for a Milsim event!
  10. Just had this delivered, accessories and attachments battling there way through the Christmas post! Planning a nice camo paint job too. http://i.imgur.com/BViIgl0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bBEBkZs.jpg
  11. Thanks folks. G and G it will be! Will finally get UKARA sorted out this month after many months of work getting in the way of me getting 3 games in within the time limit! Look forward to being shot be some of you in the not too distant future :-/
  12. Thanks, Started following the FB page and will hopefully make it in April
  13. Where did you buy from Igloo? Everywhere I've looked at recently has said out of stock (maybe thats another good sign!)
  14. I could probably stretch to that. Thanks Baz. I'll look into that. Hadn't heard much about Ares so was a bit sceptical. On the Milsim thing haven't done one yet, still relatively new to this (although ex-military so some experience of some of the areas a lot of Milsims seem to be run at). Have you got any coming up soon or a link to your website?
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