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Everything posted by FatHeadLovell

  1. Is it enough to be worth while? Or shall I just shout and swear more lol?
  2. Is it actually a worth while difference ?
  3. The more noise the better! I like the idea of being able to change the sound output depending on the situation. I might buy a cheap one first to make a decision regarding real investment later on.
  4. Is the loud enough to be considered worthwhile?
  5. Hello all, I'm going to be buying my first RIF in a couple of weeks. Playing at Billericay yesterday, somebody had a Firehawk that sounded AMAZING. I'm therefore interested in a sound amplifier, but am wondering how well they work? I'm looking at a G&G R8-l by the way.
  6. Ridiculous post - the current law is more than fair currently. Only somebody looking to use a RIF incorrectly would post this. Irresponsible
  7. I like long walks on the beach, Neil Diamond & wasting money on airsoft gear
  8. I only live round the corner, and will be there early... 3/4 sleeve on left arm... Will have a gym bag with a M15 popping out lol
  9. Your gun is the way you want people to recognise you? Not the massive ginger beard?
  10. Me & Ellzzg are going again if you want to team up... I've had mass gear deliveries in preparation!
  11. You can get an ASG flash mag for £15 if you shop around, I was really impressed with it last Sunday.
  12. You should always wash your balls before using them. Ladies appreciate it
  13. Some great ideas here, thanks all. I bought a camo cap which was delivered today, I suppose I could do some adjustments to add protection. As my collection grows, I will want to look the part so will invest in a proper helmet. True story - my Dad gave up motorcycling because wearing a helmet was so uncomfortable for him, even open face ones. 2nd true story - the doctors thought I was deformed in the womb because my head was so large. 3rs true story - I was like a power pod as a child Pleased to say I look fairly normal now lol
  14. I also wear martial arts style junk protection. mrs haze wouldnt be interested if i came home with a load of welts on my bell hahaha That's a small target, I don't think you run much risk 😂
  15. Does it leave marks? I took a few to the chest and shoulder this weekend which have left a good old welt
  16. Ok, so following some of your advice I've been looking at helmets. There is one problem however.... As you can see from my username, I have a rather large head. Most of the helmets I can see are 60cm / 24 inches. This frankly, isn't even close lol. Anybody know where I can find a larger 'fast' helmet?
  17. Scalp! That's the one! I have a lower face mask which helped, but I'm from Essex so naturally my hair is slicked back and forehead is always on show lol. Just ordered a camo cap which I think will help for the short term, see how I get on. Cheers everybody!
  18. Thanks! I'm only trying to protect my money maker lol. A nice big welt on my forehead might not go down so well working in a Bank. Would a baseball cap actually provide protection? I suppose the brim would stop and direct spam shots, and I'm not worried about being shot on the hair area (no sure what that's called, skull?).
  19. Played for the first time this Sunday, got the bug so I'm frantically looking at more gear. My forehead felt a little exposed when peaking, especially in CQC. What's the feeling on helmets? Are they necessary? Comfortable? How much should I spend if I get one? Thanks
  20. Yep Im committed to going, funnily enough I have, and the batteries are charging as we speak lol. I've been busy, got some army surplus gear, face mask, new hi cap mag and a new large battery. Had a visit to the airsoft shop in Romford after work today, they are great in there. When I was 17 I was working full time, and literally couldn't spend the money (learning to drive and couldn't drink) so I randomly bought an AEG! So I'm taking that with me. Its been a few years hence why I thought a new battery would be prudent. I have a habit of throwing money at a hobby, then stopping after two weeks (I have a guitar, carbon Road bike & simulation racing cockpit to prove it) Let's hope this lasts longer! You still going next weekend?
  21. Thanks everybody! If anyone is interested, I just received my order and I'm really impressed. Grade 1 shirt looks brand new (in packet), grade 1 trousers have been worn but i cannot seen any problems what so ever. The best part is the grade 2 jungle boots, they look brand spanking new! All in all very happy, as others have mentioned delivery (DPD) was also great. I will use again.
  22. In preparation for my first airsoft outing this weekend, I have invested in: Army surplus clothing 10,000 B&B'S Face mask 3300 MaH battery Who's coming to Billericay to have first dibs on shooting me?
  23. Sounds great, as long as you don't mind. I'm 100% going this weekend, so hopefully will get a little experience under my belt. I should be able to go next weekend, social diary permitting (not really, this post clearly states that's a lie lol) Fingers crossed, thanks very much!
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