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Everything posted by FatHeadLovell

  1. It really does sound too good to be true! I'll be looking like a weekend warrior in no time lol. Thanks!
  2. I think the site I will be going to (Billericay) do something similar. At least that way the Rookies will have strength in numbers
  3. Wow, thanks for such a detailed answer! Some of the basic stuff looks too good to be true, thats why I was a little sceptical. (Plus they are based in Basildon, as an Essex boy I am naturally wary lol)
  4. Has anybody got any experience with www.britishmilitarysurplus.co.uk? Looking to get kitted out for the first time, and there seems to be some really good, cheap stuff on there. My only concern is the state of the items E.G Grade 1/2? I'm sure it can't be that worn, and the clothing should have been looked after. I'm mainly looking at tops, trousers and boots. Thanks
  5. Im looking to go Billericay this Sunday - Will be my first time and looks like I'll be going alone. Would appreciate anybody willing to hold my hand!!
  6. I looked everywhere lol! I just wasn't sure about what mags fit what guns. Are all M4/M16 mags universal fitted?
  7. Glad somebody is taking the plunge with me! You are my motivation to go now lol! I guess everybody was a beginner once upon a time
  8. Thanks everybody - You seem like a nice bunch which is a good sign! I guess I'll just have to take the jump, otherwise I will never get to play!
  9. I have had this gun for a few years, but am only now considering taking part in the sport for real. I know I will need some extra Mags, but can't seem to find any available..... Can I use any M4/M16 mag or does it have to be a Classic Army one? Thanks!
  10. Hey, I'm really interested in taking part in Airsoft regularly. The only problem is I have nobody to go with! None of my friends are interested in the sport, and I am nervous about going on my own. How are lone players usually reacted to? Will somebody take me under their wing lol?
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