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Okto Eight Milsim

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Okto Eight Milsim last won the day on October 5 2015

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    Eversley (Hants), Tuddenham (Suffolk)
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    Milsim Games

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  1. Milsim Taster 30th May at Tuddenham near RAF Mildenhall. You dont need the kit. See our other post on the subject.
  2. Dont get worried about FPS. As long as you are shooting above 320fps, it will be fine. Using the right BB weight and setting the hop correctly is more important to range.
  3. Honestly, you need to up your budget. If you turn up with those kind of rifles at a skirmish, there are some players who will pick you out at the safety brief and see you as cannon fodder. Being outshot is no fun and you will probably be totally disillusioned. Everybody wants to win and most settle for winning and losing. Losing all the time will get you down and it will probably put you off the game. If you dont want to waste money renting until you know what you want, just buy something like a G&G Combat machine in two tone from the outset which will pay for itself n 4 or 5 games, allow you to compete on an even playing field and then once you have a bit of experience, you can save up for a proper Thompson or whatever it is you want at that time.
  4. OK so you are 16 which means that you cant easily (legally) have a RIF. If you want to buy a rifle and of course it will need to be two-toned, what is your budget range ?
  5. Is it the WE version thats a different size ?
  6. In terms of optics, I think between us, we have them all in one shape, form or other. Start with iron sights. Learn to adjust them and zero them in properly. Then graduate to an optic if you need one. Depends a lot on what type of game you play and where.
  7. Dont think that rifle has a MOSFET so NO. Don't get lulled into the "most FPS, fastest ROF, longest range" thing that obsesses so many young airsofters. They are good rifles, you dont need a 11.1V LIPO. Stick a 7.4V one in it and concentrate on improving your personal technique rather than squeezing more out of a new rifle.
  8. Welcome to the forum. Great, you've started. Be warned - its likely your step dad will get the bug worse than you lol. As sais elsewhere, try not to buy too much until you played a few games. Many of us have kit that we thought was a good idea at the time, but never use. If i could have my time again, I would be less impulsive. Where are you playing ?
  9. G&G blow back is cool. Some players dont rate it, but it does make a nice sound. Its not really the right sound, but its arguably better than pew-pew. Not so convinced about the heavy bolt option.
  10. Buying new guns - us here at the Okto office still get that Christmas morning feeling waiting for the courier. Its really easy to get seduced by all the models available. Look a lot, spend nothing, until you understand what it is you want to play. The first rifle i bought was an L96 bolt action spring sniper rifle - big mistake - seduced you see. Play some games with rental kit and get some game time. There are lots of sub-games in airsoft - decide what you like best; CQB, woodland, milsim, run and gunning, support gunning, sniping. Get it clear in your own head what you need and then look for a suitable rifle - pick the right type of weapon first i.e. use your head, make a shortlist and then pick what you want based on your heart.
  11. 7.4V LIPO is a good all rounder and wont burn out trigger contacts in the same way that the higher voltage ones can. LIPO is a better technology but one word of warning: 1. make sure your charger is suitable for charging them 2. only charge them under supervision as the chemistry can be a bit volatile if they develop a fault 3. charge them up the night before a game and then once the game is over, make sure that they are stored at around 50% state of charge. Don't leave them fully charged as they can go puffy and dont even let them fully discharge.
  12. The first rule: "Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy"
  13. Only a couple of weeks until the draw. Still amazed at how few people have entered this. Guess it only improves the chances of those who have entered.
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