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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. G&G GR300 Pro Shorty. It's very old and none of the trades were etched (just screen printed). Trust me these are the magneseum cast lower and upper. Solid stock rather than the wire one, I have the wire one in a drawer, I just don't like the weight when the battery is in the front.
  2. M4 Gr300 rebuilt...

    Holy shiet it's loud. The stock is acting like a resonator!

    Might be better after chrono and spring balance!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Iceni


      The GR300S is Magnesium as well.

      Very light, Very Strong. It'll fizz if you pop a drop of vinegar on some bare metal.

    3. ak2m4


      Ahhhh I always did wonder about it.  I remember thinking back in 2004 when I got it they've sent me a plastic version haha.  So light

    4. Iceni


      Those bodies are by far the best M4 bodies ever produced.

      They don't have any of the issues of later production, and I've never heard of one cracking.

      The only issue is the bolt release scratching the body.

      You should get yours rebuilt. Drop one of those E&C boxes into it with a basic fet and use it to confuse and upset M4 experts who will tell you off for the stock :D

      The only thing you can do with magnesium if you want to spruce it up is paint it. I have no idea what they use the blacken it, but I would avoid the ALU black as it may eat into the metal.


  3. I use mine an awful lot. Not just for block colour either. There are ways to shade a model using just black and white before you put the final colour on. It's all about layer thickness. You put a thin layer over that B&W layer but only just enough. The final outcome is a model with a tonal shift through the model. For the actual airbrush, you can spend a lot or a little. The more expensive ones are not always the best to look at. My go-to modelling airbrush is either a Mig ammo aircobra (£100+ expensive). Or an EXPO AB900 (£40). The AB900 can do everything the Mig brush can. It's just not as refined and struggles on very fine lines. It's normally the first brush I will grab as it's the one I allow to be kicking about on top of the desk. https://www.expotools.com/acatalog/AB800-Easy-Clean-Airbrush-with-Small-2ml-Colour-Cup-AB900.html For a compressor I have several. I used for a very long time one of the cheap nail art compressors. They work but will only allow about 15-20 psi in continuous operation. The next stage up from that are £60-100 and are generally called airbrush compressors. They tend to have small tanks and can be set to various pressure outputs. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AS-186-Compressor-Tank-Nail-Tatoo-Art-Spray-Gun-Complete-Airbrush-Kit-INCD-VAT/273503213852?epid=25031180469&hash=item3fae0fd91c:g:f9MAAOSw8MZbvs7q&frcectupt=true Because they come with a couple of brushes as well they represent everything you need. Don't expect the brushes to be decent tho. Spending that £40 on the expo one is a good basic investment. The final stage of compressors is getting something more professional. I have one of these. It doesn't offer anything over the Ebay kit other than the ability to produce air faster and quieter. You never need one of these, having one is a luxury not a requirement. Your paint will govern the space you need. Water-based acrylics need nothing special. Spraying using a box on your knee or desk is perfectly fine. You won't get much overspray, and the box will catch it. Enamels and oil-based stuff you will need ventilation. The fumes build up, and you will need a mask as well. Dual action airbrushes are very good on paint use, and the chances of getting a lot of oversprays are minimal. Decent paint is key to the whole thing working well. MIG AMMo and Vallejo model air are good starter paints to use. Some airbrush flow improver and liquid airbrush cleaner are also worthwhile. Vallejo are decent for these. Once you have a few paints and some cleaner you can start to play about with the setup. Masking a model is easy, but you can also mount the masks on balls of masking tape to get feathered edges on the camo effects. Watch loads of videos. MIG videos are very good to learn basics from.
  4. Those ASG CNC motors run very cool. I've been running the 35K version for quite some time now and it replaced the slower SHS HS, that ran very hot. Only run 18:1 7.4v so 22 ish rps. Nothing crazy. It's not for a DSG setup tho... It would eat itself in seconds! Nice to have you post! It's been a while!
  5. What a day!

    Been job hunting, Did a second interview last week, All went well.

    Called this morning told I didn't get it.

    Then called by another recruiter for a second interview at another company tomorrow. Sorted that out.

    Then I got a call back about the job I didn't get... I did get it if I want it. There was a communication error.

    I then have to cancel the other interview, Fly across town in rush hour to drop off paperwork for the new job so they can make the offer...

    Monday morning, I'll be doing 9-5 as a maintenance engineer in a bacon slicing factory! I can see the company bonuses not been healthy for me!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Albiscuit


      A contributing factor to why I went veggie ;)  


      congratz on on the job tho! 

    3. Druid799


      @Albiscuit did you know that the name ‘vegetarian’ is actually an old Northern Europe word ? 

      Roughly translates as ‘shit at hunting’ !


    4. Albiscuit


      Likely so, but then thanks to tesco we pretty much all are! :P  

  6. Just a touch hot then lol! 1.5J!! that's what almost 400fps on a 0.2. 309 is almost a perfect cut. Polarity been wrong on the wires is something I wasn't expecting! Was that on the motor or the connector? It just shows poor QC. It's basic things like this that china guns constantly get wrong and it's a shame because the product is essentially right. Body looks perfect. So it came with the 3 position selector rather than the standard one. That's good for you, would have been nice if CA had managed to get hold of them as well for @FreeFrag.UK But he spent twice as much and pretty much only got a mosfet and a fancy plate on the gearbox divide, so I still stand by the JG/APS budget guns been the correct path into the AUG. You still got the QC gearbox, Wasn't expecting that. Does it have bearings as well then?
  7. lol, nope. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M16_rifle
  8. Always thought A2 and A3 were physically identical. The only difference was burst fire on A2 to full auto on the A3. Because the A3 uses the A1 trigger setup. It's the A4 where the rail appears.
  9. Nice M16A3, I keep looking at A1's but it's going to be some time before I get one. I have a few too many unused guns as it is!
  10. You'll have to give me a couple of days to get pictures together but yeah no problem.
  11. You got exactly the right gun for the look you want. The JG would of done the job visually as well, but I think you made the right choice overall with the CA. Same deal applies, any issues or you want advice just start up a thread and you can have what I know. I think you will find it a trouble free gun, and very comfortable. One thing you might want is the modification to the safe bar for a single shot only position. It's a small mod that will add a 3rd position. Safe, Semi only, Semi + full auto. Some sites will want to see some trigger control before they let you use it in semi only games without the mod. Having the mod done means it's impossible to go full auto in those games. And it costs nothing to make the modification. Just a couple of files and a sharp knife to remove a cube of plastic.
  12. @Druid799 Well done I know you like to run a gun without upgrades, but If you ever want advice on what to upgrade in it just tag me Fire support have the king arms 110rnd mid cap boxes in stock. I think they work out at about £7.50 each. Are you getting it Fetted at GFC, They install them for free when you buy a gun and fet together and add the relevant service option. I'm also loving the fact it's a hybrid. A1 para upper but with the commando lower rail. I'm expecting you to do a full review when you've had it a few weeks! Shapeways do a conversion for that style of lower rail to reduce the rail length. It replaces the long rail with a more lightweight 3 slot design. https://www.shapeways.com/product/LU48DGXN6/aug-bottom-picatinny-rail-3-slots?optionId=65356676&li=marketplace
  13. £10-15 is about right, You can get them new for £30-40. Ukara is needed for that model, it is a rif, and not a two tone. Even tho it's a 240fps springer. Looks to be missing a flash hider. And the Foregrip is held on with some tape (it may just not be on correctly as the tab is showing).
  14. @AK47frizzle I don't like to say I told you so... but There good scopes, Absolutely excellent for the money. You made a good choice. And with it been 2-7 rather than 3-9 you should find the range on it suits a lot more rifles than just the sniper.
  15. My new lapping paste arrived :D

    Stuff seems legit. And it's easy to clean up been water based.

    Been rodding a barrel all evening and the thing is gleaming internally!

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      what paste is it? i'm tempted to give this lapping business a go, see if i can get the m4 to be even more evil....

    2. Iceni


      It's an ebay set.

      Took about 2 weeks to arrive.

      I was lapping a stainless ZCI. It took time but otherwise had no trouble cutting at all.

      I'm going to try get some pictures of the inside of it at the weekend, once I get it to a stage where It can be shown off. But for a single evening of just testing them out they have exceeded what I expected.

      Far easier to clean than the oil based lapping pastes, Just as well graded, And they become a slurry with a little water. You also don't need a lot for it to cut well. So all in all it's a decent product.


  16. Might of just picked up my air rifle. 

    BSA super 10 .22 Bull barrel full length :D

  17. Just seen one today that got a report. Guy selling 3 batteries. 2 look in good shape, but the 7.4v vapex lipo (black) is dangerous. Wires cut short, re-soldered, Heat-shrink not fully covering + on battery exit. Swelling, Knackered heat-shrink insulation on battery, Burn mark on the deans..... There is only 1 place that battery should go... and it's not in a gun.
  18. Bevel gears have a look on AK2M4. He has the ZCI ones for £5.50 each.


  19. Some dude put up more pictures of my last shoot! You can see all my gear in this one
  20. Went out Saturday, Oh my the G3 is shooting well.

    2 confirmed kills at 65m. Both went down to a single aimed shot on 0.3's. Felt like a sniper.


  21. One from my last game! @ the Grange Coventry. Flecktarn + G3 with Hensoldt Model 1.
  22. It's an LCT G3 in olive. With a wood kit from Zib militaria, Real sling, Real rear sight drum. The optic is a Hensoldt model 1 on a stanag claw mount again real steel. You can get the base gun for £329 from fire support. It's an all steel gun, so very heavy. https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/lct-lc-3a3-s-g3a3-green-od-aeg-airsoft-gun I did a review for it, and it highlights some of the flaws of the gun.
  23. Spent a few hours on the air rifle range this evening with the G3. Scope is set, Was happily plinking logs and the bigger targets on that range... All the PCP airgunners looking at me like an idiot for having a gun that made them have kittens. I may have walked past them all with the gun in a bag, dropped the mags on the table, thrown in a mid cap quick, and slapped the cocking lever. Before leaving it on the table for a minute or two.... Mostly people were just looking down the table expecting all hell to break loose any second.

    I then shot it, and they realised it was airsoft lol.

    Gun is shooing past the 65 meter mark and well into the 70's. Just needs a few K's bb's passing through it to get the rubber where I want it. Not a single misfeed.

    And I may of put a deposit on a PCP air rifle.

  24. The new scope.. Sexy Sexy Sexy! @Druid799
  25. Scope and claw mount have appeared :D

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