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Everything posted by Ignitor

  1. Very good, i highly recommend it! if you use a 11.1 v lipo battery the ROF is amazing however it lowers the life expectancy of the gun
  2. Thanks but that one is too expencive, do you know if any one is selling just the visor?
  3. I am looking for a cheaper replica of the Russian helmet K63 with the faceshield. would anyone know where i could find one, thanks. would any one know if the face masks alone are also forsale?
  4. You broke the camera! No, the camera broke ME!

    1. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      I sense a comic tale..?

    2. AK47frizzle


      it's not me, it's you!

  5. I know this is a bit different but, once when we were playing woodland airsoft next to a paintball field a paintballer suddenly got lost and joined our game by accident, which resulted in some people getting covered with paint. He then realised and went back to paintball
  6. I am sending it through a private curier van company so i dont think they will check inside, will they?
  7. There is not one with plastic, ill probably just replace the wood when i get the UKARA
  8. Because then it will look like a nerf gun xD
  9. Hello, this is my youtube channel. tell me how i could improve
  10. I think Russian loadouts look better with assault vest rather than molle vests or plate carriers. I think that the British army chest tig looks awesome in a russian loadout.
  11. how about this one then? http://www.taiwangun.com/en/cm-052s-cm?from=listing&campaign-id=14 if not i will get the ICS
  12. Yeah i will probably do that, But will they let it in to England if i cover some parts with blue electrical tape, because I dont want to ruin the wood on the ak
  13. Yeah i could, i am going to Poland in July so i could pick one up from the shop and spray it 2 tone as I don't have a UKARA and you don't need a UKARA in Poland
  14. I have the SJ400 its very good, However if it gets hit in the lens protector it breaks. I got my one off ebay for 45 pounds, 70 sounds a bit expensive, make sure you are not being ripped off.
  15. My Youtube: Predators Airsoft101

  16. Is this rpk worth to buy, I see that it has less ROF than other cheaper guns http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/Kalashnikov-RPK-47-Metal-Wood-Blowback-Airsoft-Gun_A1K5CB.aspx#.VXcuas9Viko or would this be better http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/ICS-IK74-AK74M-Folding-Stock-Black_A1880R.aspx#.VXcuyM9Viko If not could anyone recommend any other good ak around 200 pounds?
  17. This is my S.T.A.L.K.E.R load out for now (on the right) im palnning to add to it
  18. Any one know about Polish or Russian WW2 gear?
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