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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Actually the private games are better sometimes. You can move around more and there is less idiot camping on the concourse or balcony.Games flow better its a friendlier more personal atmosphere. As for a lot of wandering around, no actually the games are more intense with people going for the objectives not just hanging around try to shoot random passers by. At the end of the day 20 people who really want to play can cause more carnage than a 100 who want to hide in corners. I played it with 10 once and it was probably the best game I have ever had there. Edit; Cost of both games with hotel is £110. Thats cheaper than most nights out.
  2. Bushings are only part of the story though. Tms are a weird one to be honest the newer stuff is better but some of the older stuff you do wonder how it works so well. To be honest I would probably pick the krytac or ics over the Tm but being he wanted a cqb M4 had to chuck it in.G&G l85 isnt a combat masheep I actually quite like them. Would probably still buy the ICS l85 over it though if I was after one. Not all G&Gs are bad but still stick by the fact of if I was going to spend £400 I wouldn't even consider one.
  3. No a nerf gun a bright blue and orange one that really fires bbs that would be the best airsoft gun ever.
  4. Thank god for that at least somethings gone right today.I am struggling to not kill myself with boredom as is. Let me do it for you. I am sittingduck and G&G is the bestest I have bought lots of them but still haven't found the one that makes me really happy so will keep looking. ☺ Is that about it?
  5. Actually its not when compared to the guns I pointed out. With a £400 budget you can get a lot better. Let me explain; I never base my opinions on bias just on engineering knowledge. G&G internals are made from some of the worst quality materials in the airsoft world. They are great if you have a low budget but the op says he has £400. Yes they are easy to upgrade but I would rather recommend something you dont need to. As for reliable I know an Ics plastic gun that has never had any maintenance (not even cleaned the barrel) in the 3yrs the person has had it and hes fired over a 75,000 rnds he reckons. It rattles 22rnds a second and shoots very well. Think you can buy them for about £180.
  6. Regarding Ukara registration your local site should be able to help you with that. If you have played 3 times in the last year there even though you are not 18 they can fill out your Ukara form soon as you turn 18. As for what gun with £400 there is plenty of choice, you might not get all the accessories your after straight away but it is worth getting a better base gun. Look at the Krytac range of M4s very good guns with ambidextrous fire selector. Some of the Ics Cxp range also have ambi fire selector and mag releases, they are also well built and reliable. Also worth mentioning for cqb is the TM high cycle m4s, good quality and great for cqb. You could save cash and get a g&g cm but its not as good and also very common. At the end of the day its your money spend as much or as little as you like and remember the gun thats best is the one that makes you smile most.
  7. They are very well made and definitely the most realistic. But for £900 you can build an aeg or gas gun that performs better.Its more suited to serious milsimers. Or more commonly pretentious pratts. They are very nice though.
  8. Maybe you should try playing snooker with a putter you could use a chipping wedge for when your snookered. Would do wonders for your short game.
  9. They are good cheap starter guns but then so are some JG's and cyma's.
  10. Each to their own I suppose.Will say though I used to play golf and while I enjoy airsoft more golf takes a hell of a lot of skill.
  11. Not really you get what you pay for. The quality of the materials on their internals is poor.
  12. Best all round aegs TM, Real sword and Krytac. Ics very good internals but externals are a bit marmite. G&P good externals but internals are average at best. G&G are ok, good value for money but not a single thing that makes them stand out. In my opinion anyway but everybody sees things differently.
  13. Next thing to sort out is who is playing both days and who is staying at the hotel.
  14. Depends what type of gun you are after all brands have good and bad across their range. Except ares which are just sh*te. Honey badger is the most horrible airsoft gun ever.
  15. Dont mean to be judgemental but reading this thread you can really see why so many airsofters are single. Cant really see me telling the wife I was going to play on the computer so I could practice my manoeuvres for the weekend; when I go and play dress up toy soldier. Think I would get one of those looks that hint at divorce. She thinks me playing airsoft is sad now, maybe I should show her this to point out how bad it could be.☺
  16. He might with a six shooter but you would need rain man to keep count with an aeg.
  17. They are good and the chrono function is spot on.
  18. If you really want an ammo counter this is better. http://www.milspecsolutions.co.uk/xcortech-x3300w-advanced-bb-control-system-black.html
  19. Holidays booked and paid for see you all in February.
  20. Dont have a clue who you are? But welcome back. ☺ And now I have a strange craving for some tinned pineapple rings.
  21. Its ok we understand, paper rounds dont pay much anymore I will put it in for you.☺
  22. No your cash is sitting in the bank mate but thanks for the offer.Its already booked and I will add the extra and pay the deposit tomorrow. Will email everyone a copy of the confirmation. Your on the money though I would have a paid deposits for anybody who was honest and asked. Mess me around though and its the two finger salute. Its only a couple though Deebo had got in touch so I knew that was good and Kurtz was a late comer and I was never expecting a guarantee off him because hes an unreliable f*cker😉 Was never planning on cancelling it would have just grabbed people I know. Just wanted to give a kick up the backside.
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