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Everything posted by beastmode

  1. Is there anyone we can stop this horrendous spam that comes up on this site from time to time? Maybe vetting new users to check their legitimacy before allowing them to post.
  2. Not sure you really get what we are saying though basically you can't just buy a decent sniper riffle and expect it to be good out the box you have to spend a hell of a lot of time, effort and money on upgrades before its any good. This would come later down the line and is far from ideal for a new player to the game.
  3. Are you sure you want a sniper riffle? Have you ever had a go on anyone else's? Do you know what country etc you would like to base your loadout on? I wouldn't recommend spending that much £1000? On a two tone sniper riffle.
  4. Saw that earlier on the Bolsh page. He's lucky to have escaped losing an eye. I always wear either bolle goggles or fan assisted goggles. Which are both full seal. I don't even like having my teeth exposed especially at cqb so usually wear a lower mesh as well.
  5. Need some advice on smoke grenades. what's best to go for? And what make?
  6. Yeah decent gun if your into m4s. Only problem is everyone has one.
  7. High caps do rattle so most people I know prefer mid caps. saves giving away your position when you are trying to be stealthy.
  8. If you have ukara. Then either as the guys said above go for a cm040 or go to gunfire.pl and get a Forcecore Aks74mn for around £150
  9. So tuna all weekend? Sure you're not a dolphin?
  10. Yeah not as serious as airsoft though. That's serious business.
  11. Stop high jacking our football post then Nick 😛
  12. Well I'll get there on the Friday night so will probably eat something before I get there. Then its all day Saturday and finish on the Sunday afternoon.
  13. I have a milsim coming up in December Okto 8. Just wondered what do people do for food when on a Milsim? I looked at Ration packs but they seem expensive for what they are.
  14. Hopefully you've learnt your lesson that what you do and say online affects other people. Please don't turn up to Black ops wearing that I will know if you do.
  15. Banned from battlefield 3 for hacking damage too I see. Ow dear. Not gonna redact this, TBH, I'm impressed you guys found this out.
  16. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/27430-whats-your-thought-on-this/?fromsearch=1 Thats his post back in July. He was told by almost everyone don't do it. And then goes and posts a picture on remembrance Sunday.
  17. Yeah big difference dressing as Soviet soldier in ww2 as it would be dressing as a regular German soldier from ww2 but to dress as a SS officer is completely different and indefensible.
  18. I've also just seen this kid lives not to far from me so in the likelihood of bumping into him at a skirmish it would be interesting to see what the reactions will be.
  19. In my opinion I don't think there's anything worse you could possibly wear. To the people comparing other atrocities throughout time by various countries. None of it can compare to what the nazis did.
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