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chest rigs for the larger size person

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For cheaper options. The viper assault vests go upto about 62". As a larger older gent (think middle age continental drift),I prefer to use a belt and suspender system like good old PLCE or ALICE. Basically a belt around the middle with pouches on your hips for magazines and one or more on your kidneys for drinks/ammo and other stuff. I have both an assault vest and PLCE and prefer the PLCE.

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LBT 1961 style rigs can be adjusted to huge sizes, they're designed for special forces types to wear over body armour so unless you're 5'2" and 25st you'll be able to get one to fit!


By all means, get a real one, but if you don't fancy dropping £300-400 on a chest rig, Flyye do some decent replicas.

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WAS RICAS are pretty big too, but yeah, PLCE will fit anybody - you can get it in MTP too, but it's called something like 'Airborne Webbing' these days, not PLCE anymore.


surplus&outdoors iirc

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hi I am looking for some larger size chest rigs or assault vests would anyone have any idea where I could get one




How large? Not being personal, I'm about 17.5 stone with a 48" chest, I use a Warrior Assault Systems 901 chest rig and it's actually got quite a lot of adjustment left in it! Remember that most chest rigs/plate carriers etc are designed to go over big, burly squaddies with uniforms and all sorts on! :)

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