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Mws mags

Mws mags


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3 Questions


6x MWS magazines, all leak free and great condition.

3x Stock Tokyo marui magazines

1x T8 P Mag window magazine

2x Ace Arms FDE Pmag

£40 a mag each or Package Deal for the lot £220


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@Amir, more info please, where did you buy, how did you pay for them, & how was it resolved ?.

As it stands hallymadd has 1 positive feedback, not a lot admittedly but its from a bona fida member which give it some substance.

Chucking  scammer accusations around shouldn't be done lightly. 

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I've discussed the circumstances of this with @Amir, & have seen the messages between himself & @HallyMadd, including him asking for payment via f&f, which as we all know is a massive red flag, thankfully Amir had the sense to pay the fees on g&s, so should get his money back. 

While I'm not ready to brand Hallymadd as a scammer, he now has deserved negative feedback which all potential buyers need to be aware of, he took payment & sent nothing, despite repeated polite nudges from the buyer.

NEVER do f&f unless it's someone you know & trust implicitly,  & even then only for very small amounts, as any issue in the delivery chain could cause you to lose your money.

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