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Configurable Button Dominator with Countdown mode available

Configurable Button Dominator with Countdown mode available


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  • Quantity 1
  • Price £25
3 Questions


I offer SOFTWARE for Arduino stopwatches with a second counter for Airsoft, Paintball game - Capture Point game mode.

Project description:
Domination Timer is a device - a stopwatch for sports such as Airsoft, Paintball, which allow you to measure the time of occupying a point with a resolution of seconds. The stopwatch is equipped with a 16x2 / 20x4 LCD character display. After switching on the device, it is possible to switch between menu items on the display using the rotary encoder - KY-040. Through the items, it is possible to start the Domination Timer game mode, which responds to user buttons (inputs), or it is possible to set the time of team occupancy before the game in the configurable mode. This parameter represents the required length of holding the button until the team successfully occupies the point. This configurable parameter is implemented for the number of seconds. The second configurable parameter is the automatic end of the game to reach a certain number of hours of the stopwatch with the UNLIMITED option - when the stopwatch counts to infinity, or after the maximum display time on the display - 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. Stopwatch is using Arduino microcontroller (with AtMega chip) or a it can use that chip stadalone. Chip controls whole Domination Timer settings, logic of stopwatch etc. There are 2 teams in the game - RED team and GRE team, which play against each other and occupy the imaginary point that is formed by this device - Domination Timer. At the beginning of the game, the display shows the times 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds for RED team, GRE team.


Button Domination Timer uses button input for the action of occupying a point by a team member, as well as for input of a referee entity. Thus, a total of 2 buttons for 3 system entities, the switching buttons connected in the INPUT_PULLUP mode are used. Pressing the button feeds the GND signal to the Arduino digital input terminal (Active-LOW switching signal). Switch buttons are used, not switch buttons (they would not react to the system logic, all software would always be "pressed"). The configurable Domination Timer responds to the length of the press, which is set in the configuration menu via an encoder. It is required to hold the button for a given time. The system does not respond to short presses. In the extended version, it is also possible to set point neutralization (stopping the time of the active team at the point if a member of the other team holds the button at least 50% of the required time) The times are displayed on an LCD character display measuring 16x2 or 20x4, which communicates with the control microcontroller via the I2C bus. If a team member of the RED team occupies a point by pressing a button, a buzzer is launched, which announces a change in the point with a short beep. Then the RED team's LED at this station will light up and the display will start adding time for that team.

If the point is occupied by the GRE team and the team member presses the appropriate button, the buzzer sounds again, the GRE team LED lights up, the RED time is paused and the time of the GRE team that occupied the point is counted. The referee must stop both buttons at the same time to stop both times. Times are stopped until the point is reoccupied by some of the teams in the system This type of input is thus suitable for starting a break, but it can also end the game for its evaluation. In the case of the COUNTDOWN game mode, the combination of both buttons is intended to stop the countdown time! The new game is implemented by resetting the entire Arduino board via the RST button, or by disconnecting and reconnecting the power supply. In the menu it is also possible to configure the activity / inactivity of the buzzer, which can also be included in the game. Domination Timer game mode uses a buzzer to announce the current occupation of a point. Eraser does not exist in this type of Domination Timer. A second game can be implemented in the system - countdown, which allows you to set a minute countdown while it must be stopped. The player stops the countdown by holding both buttons for a certain time (based on the configuration menu for the length of pressing from Domination Timer).


Configuration menu is divided into:

  • Start of the game DOMINATOR (2 teams)
  • Setting the time for filling a point (how long the player should hold the button - X seconds)
  • Set maximum game length (unlimited / X hours)
  • ON / OFF detector in the game
  • Countdown setting for countdown game (X hours)
  • Start of game COUNTDOWN (1 team)


All times and settings are stored in the EEPROM memory of the Arduino, they are available even after disconnecting and connecting the power supply, it is a non-volatile memory. The transcription limit is at the level of 100 thousand. The display is limited to a maximum of 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. The 16x2 and 20x4 LCD display is fully compatible.


Hardware inventory:

  • Arduino Uno / Nano / standalone AVR chip AtMega328P
  • LCD character display 16x2 / 20x4
  • I2C converter for LCD display
  • 2x buttons (switch)
  • 360 ° rotary encoder - e.g. KY-040 (or similar)
  • 2x LEDs
  • Optional - buzzer



I offer the program in .hex machine code (compiled firmware), so you can't edit or change anything of webapp. The project can be tested in advance in a test version with a measurement of max. 1 minute for each team. The program in .hex can be uploaded to Arduino via the AVRDUDE tool, or Xloader, which has a graphical interface for easier control. Firmware is available for I2C communication address of LCD display 0x27 or 0x3F.


More about project: https://martinius96.github.io/Airsoft-DOMINATOR-RFID/en/dominator-encoder.html


Alternative contact: [email protected] 


Shareware version of project:
Project can be tested for free in shareware version that i available on project website.
It have some limitations, like... Maximum game time 1 minute in DOMINATION game mode. After this time both times will be paused. Also there is not possible to use COUNTDOWN game mode.
If you don't have hardware yet, you can try it in Wokwi simulator: https://wokwi.com/projects/345627939761554003

Poprad, Slovakia - Slovakia

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I think it's the same one 🤔



Same as Button Domination Timer?

Yep. But it is configurable. It have rotary encoder, submenus, 2 game modes - DOMINATION and COUNTDOWN.
A lot of configurable options - duration of button hold for change on point, buzzer on/off, maximum game time, countdown time etc...
Just 2 buttons, not 4 buttons as are used in Button Domination Timer.

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Note that these sales are for the software only.


The pictures are examples and they tell you which parts you need to build the devices.  The software is sold compiled and any buyer needs to run some scripts in advance to provide the seller with internal codes to enable the software to be compiled to match your hardware.


Fair play to the seller, but it’s a small market.  A reasonably technical person could build and code their own devices, and there is open source code and demos there for free - the seller is marketing their game modes and device design 


We build our own, with our tech guy building professional standard ones and me experimenting with less professional ones …… (and ours aren’t for sale, as they are designed around our game modes for our events)



Good point sir. 

As u said, I sell only compiled software. It is written in advert description, so everybody that can read will find it.
If he is just browsing images and thinks he will receive hardware, it's his problem...

Reason why I sell compiled software is simple:

  • Nobody can share source code my project
  • Nobody can use this project as his (because there is my name, and can't change it)
  • I can guarantee it will work on target platform (ATmega328P microcontrollers)

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