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Custom gun?

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Hey guys i am new to airsoft but i have made quite a few replica guns in the past. I was wondering if it was a good idea or a waste of time to build my own airsoft gun i was thinking of making a P90 styled gun. Any ideas on if i should or should not even attempt.





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  • AF-UK Founding Member

To be honest as you're just starting I'd just get one off the shelf and go with that until you start getting bored of it. By having it, you'll also be able to learn the workings inside out etc which would aid you if you wanted to do your own thing later.

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It is illegal to manufacture a RIF so I would be careful. Get UKARA'd first then buy and of the shelf gun after that maybe think about making your own (which is a hard process and all I ave done is mix and match parts)

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yes. Good sturdy gun. decent for the money. Won't last as long as something that isnt a clone (they all die eventually) but it'll keep you going till u can stretch to something bigger, better and more expensive.


Something good to keep you going untill you want to splash out more on guns as you begin to enjoy the sport more and more.

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