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Thinking of getting a well mp7

Spec ops
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i have been playing airsoft for along time

i have wanted a mp7 for along time but i dont have the money for gas so i will get a aeg mp7

is WELL a good company

also here is the mp7 here




is it good and yeah i know it is orange but i will be registerd in a few weeks so i will spray it or something

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There's that, then there's the fact that Well are a bit crap. Take their gas AW .338, spring L96 and this MP7, for example.


Basically, anything that's less than £100 when it's new is going to suck. Things like this that are compact rifles or automatic PDW-style side arms tend to cost a LOT if you want one worth having, the KWA and KSC MP9s are over £200, the TM AEP MP7 is about £250, the KWA gas MP7 is about £250 as well.


Your best bet would be getting one of those little gas Mac10/11s, I think they're pretty cheap. NATO wrote a review for one recently and it sounds pretty good, I think he put it in the pistol review section.

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cheers everyone who replied

i will most likely save up for a tm mp7 cus that seems like the way to go :)

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Tbh mate i wouldnt reccomend buying from play.com as they arent a airsoft retailer and play.com are based in isle of wight so it may be a problem with shipping customs



Isle of Wight is part of Hampshire so no customs to deal with!

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i have been playing airsoft for along time

i have wanted a mp7 for along time but i dont have the money for gas so i will get a aeg mp7

is WELL a good company

also here is the mp7 here




is it good and yeah i know it is orange but i will be registerd in a few weeks so i will spray it or something


I would recommened getting the mp7 from wolf armouries the price is more than the one at play.com but they would be much more reliable.

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