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World War II Era Guns

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Im looking to buy a WWII gun but I don't know if there any good or which would be the best ?

I've got around £200-250 to spend.

So what would you buy if you had to choose ??


Thanks All


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that new KTW Lee Enfield No.4, save up a bit though.

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Im looking to buy a WWII gun but I don't know if there any good or which would be the best ?

I've got around £200-250 to spend.

So what would you buy if you had to choose ??


Thanks All


SRC MP40 blowback or ares PPsh41

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Get a good ol' Thomson M1A1, they look awesome, are awesome and most importantly, fit your WWII bill.


I think Tokyo Marui make one, so that's probably your best bet.

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depends what your wanting to portray mate, yanks go for the Thompson, brits an sten or germans mp40


then if you get serious into it look at getting a boltie more realistic

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I am looking at a Thomson M1A1 or MP40 which would suit my budget but I would love a M1 Garand , PPSH or a BAR :D


you can get a decent bar for about 800!

garands, only 8mm versions are available at the minute although ICS has one in the works which is wood stock or plastic stock with an m14 style gearbox (pretty bullet proof)

If you've a UKARA keep an eye on the for sale for PPSH, people who have bought them as a novelty get bored ad flog them


my TM thompson has never skipped a beat, and the ASG MP40 needs a hop unit change to get better performance (try AK style ones)

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