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So im liking the look of the ACER Revo 3700 Desktop.


what do you Techy Guys think?


Its on the tesco site for 299 right now im still gonna see if its cheaper elsewhere though.


Cheers and Discuss!

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I had an Acer something or other and it got so riddled with viruses that after 13 months it was completely unusable, I've donated it to a guy at uni to use as a technology project lol.


But I'm sh*t with Windows stuff, I can't be arsed to understand how they work, can't get my head around the crappy virus software and all that gubbins.


I just bought a Mac. Cost a bomb but it works like a dream, just does what you want and explains itself fully, absolutely fantastic for Uni work and the battery lasts about 10 hours. I've not once felt like throwing it out of a window, unlike my previous laptop lol.

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So im liking the look of the ACER Revo 3700 Desktop.


what do you Techy Guys think?


Its on the tesco site for 299 right now im still gonna see if its cheaper elsewhere though.


Cheers and Discuss!


first question is what do you want it to do? personaly i don't like the compact desktops as they can limit upgradability later on but thats imo.



I had an Acer something or other and it got so riddled with viruses that after 13 months it was completely unusable, I've donated it to a guy at uni to use as a technology project lol.


But I'm sh*t with Windows stuff, I can't be arsed to understand how they work, can't get my head around the crappy virus software and all that gubbins.


I just bought a Mac. Cost a bomb but it works like a dream, just does what you want and explains itself fully, absolutely fantastic for Uni work and the battery lasts about 10 hours. I've not once felt like throwing it out of a window, unlike my previous laptop lol.


all i have to ask is what were you doing to get the thing that clogged up with rubbish? i had a hp laptop for about 4 years running the avg free antivirus and it never had any big issues like that

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Lol a Phone Specificly an O2 Samsung Galaxy Ace is all as i am too lazy to build another PC and Can't be bothered with a netbook or laptop.

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