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new madbull licensing

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Bb's would go in one hole out the other, either straight up or straight down ;)

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Not necessarily. You could install some kind of trap-door system on each side, that is then 'unlocked' when the mag is inserted. Although, it'd be hard to implement into something so small, and the air seals wouldn't be too great.

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But that would mean changing upper receivers if you want to use different type mags?

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The whole point of the ar57 is it uses p90 mags, why are you lot so interested in doing the exact opposite of what the system is designed to do??

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I'm just suggesting ideas, someone else said make a hop that does both mags..

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My holepuncher on my desk is a metre away from me..

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Yeah... not 5000 - maybe it was a bad comparison.

You know what I mean, the AR57 is made for p90 mags- why use m4 mags? It's like a g36, they're made to go with g36 mags, not converted to m4 mags... though some are, which is disgusting.


My point is, why would you go to the effort to buy one if you're going to use the wrong mags?

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Because everyone would be like dur? And think of the mag compatability you could have a 5000 rnd drum and a 300 rnd highcap for immdediate backup!

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i have to say a gun that could use both mags would be a rea; advantage, especially if they where different sized rounds but you'd need different sized barrels for that

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Because everyone would be like dur? And think of the mag compatability you could have a 5000 rnd drum and a 300 rnd highcap for immdediate backup!


To be honest if you need that much ammo on you, you'd be better of spending the money on shooting lessons.


Why would you waste all that money and not use it properly? It's beyond me

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but why hit them once with a well place shot when you can hit them a 100 shots kind of in the area shots :D

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