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a g36c thats actually desirable

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There's already a k that's been out for ages, though I can't see them making an 'E'.

I hope they make an m14 at some point though or a tavor or l85



I cant see it happening marksman as the british army have started phasing out the l85

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MM556, I agree that G36 is another lovely airsoft gun - but I won't be getting one. Can't work out if the price is a bit high or not though.


I doubt that TM would make an L85 for 2 reasons

1)TM don't make metal-framed guns at all, due to Japanese laws regarding replica firearms (and after the Academy model, who in their right mind would want a plastic SA80? *)

2)TM usually make what will appeal to their biggest market - Japan (that's my view anyway, having spoken to a few Japanese airsofters who suggested that that's how TM decides what it makes)


* - As in replica of the real SA80. I know one of the main faults with the SA80 is that they are considered heavy when compared to the polymer bodied G36 family.


Similarly, the SA80 family will be retired 2025, however it could be delayed until 2030. Currently, the MOD is testing a newweapon system based on the SA80, but using polymer externals (the same as the G36 infact). From my mate in the land-systems development team, the tests are looking pretty good so far.

And since when has obsolesence or lack of use ever stopped an airsoft gun being made? STG44s, Stens, PPSH-41s, SLRs... there's a pretty big market for airsoft guns based on weapons no-longer in frontline service.

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Thay are also meant to be working on a new M4 and have field tested HK416/7 to go with the L129A1 sniper


There is probably a lot more companies trying to win the contract to be the next british assault rifle,


Maybe we should make a list and start taking bets



Hubert what did you mean by MM556? The SIG M556?

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Hahaha, it's just me being too lazy to bother typing out marksman556...


The HK416 trial was for UKSF/SFSG, and is still on-going I believe. The 417 was also being tested by UKSF and the SFSG, but neither were (or are) being tested by the army. If the yanks deemed them too expensive for regular line-infantry, it's certainly too expensive for us.

The HK417 was a contender for the current marksman rifle, but the LMT L129A1 got it instead. However, it should be noted that they were an urgent operational requirement (UOR) for Afghanistan, which is why they aren't being issued to every unit (Same goes for the ACOGs - they were UORs just a temporary replacement until the ELCANs come into full service) When/if Afghanistan is over, it's unknown what the MOD will do with the 470 rifles they bought.


The MoD seems hellbent on this polymer rifle, and I fully agree with it. It's being developed by the army (not a company), but has backing from BAE Systems - and it'll most likely be built by H&K, in their Nottingham factory. Everyone wins - British industry and business gets money and show to the world we're not backwards, British workers get to keep their jobs and it works within the EU's fair competition regulations by contracting it out to a fellow EU nation's company (H&K).

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Flynn, I think you need to listen to Hubert:P


Your probably getting mixed up between the l119a1, l129a1 and the 417 & 416

I cant see the UK ever making an m4 for our forces, id expect the next rifle to be a Bullpup of some sort, seeing as the only main problem with the l85 is that its not ambi, and its heavy compared to other rifles.


Hopefully by the time its used we won't have to use 5.56, maybe 6.8 or similar.

Then again marksman68 sounds stupid :P


hubert, do yiu have any more info?

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i just came to say 36k's are the best g36 and the sa80 series is going to be around a long time, the british army is always behind schedule and even then the cadets are sa80 lovers PERIOD. (and no 8)

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in what way is our army and forces behind?

the l85a2 is one of the most accurate and reliable rifles in the world, most of, if not all our firearms are at the top of their respective classes

being a cadet doesnt mean all that much either- i'll listen to opinions from those serving but having been a cadet myself (and swiftly leaving) I wouldnt take their words too seriously

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yes but in what sense behind schedule?

we cant be late if we has class leading kit. If you're talking about developing kit, then im sure your cadet friends wouldnt know anyhting about it

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