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Airsoft on the gadget show

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what you trying to get dev or someone to do it?

would ahve a big forum complaint

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Actually it would probably get more gusto if it was a forum thing i mean just think theyve pissed off enough people on one forum so how many others have we pissed off thhey may think either way well get it more air time lol

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Actually it would probably get more gusto if it was a forum thing i mean just think theyve pissed off enough people on one forum so how many others have we pissed off thhey may think either way well get it more air time lol


very good point that!

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Actually it would probably get more gusto if it was a forum thing i mean just think theyve pissed off enough people on one forum so how many others have we pissed off thhey may think either way well get it more air time lol



That's what I was saying just less coherently lol


How do we get dev to appear, Rub a magic lamp ? :P

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i think its the bit when they mentioned the airsoft guns they kind of made them sound bad

and writing angry letters is fun! :D

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

I'm not sure they ever meant to represent airsoft in the first place (I haven't seen it but it sounds that way)


At the end of the day if it is on TV or in the news things will always seem misrepresented to someone out there, it is all a matter of opinion.


You just have to accept what may happen and be thankful you get some exposure.

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airsoft had very little to do with what they were reviewing, it was the general experience activity (espionage + mock search and rescue) the guns got a mention and a quick close up to show what they were using to simulate weapons, not sure what people are complaining at. as for safety i dout they were even shooting anything.

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The UAV what on the sceen for less time it got a full discretion overlaying graphs and price and the Airsoft side was miss described and they were fire full auto CQB and only one guy wearing goggles

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The UAV what on the sceen for less time it got a full discretion overlaying graphs and price and the Airsoft side was miss described and they were fire full auto CQB and only one guy wearing goggles

you cant compare a single gadget against a whole sport

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you cant compare a single gadget against a whole sport



I didn't Im comparing gadget on gadget


Im a big fan of the show and I have never see a item on the show without discretion, graphs and price even if it's only breath


The hole point was the experience day, What you did and what you had on the day spy games and hostage rescue to some one who is not a airsofter don't you think being giving a G36 and tactical gear is a big part of that day ?


gadgets, girls and gun, Thats what this experience is meant to be about two out of three

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