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Airsoft on the gadget show

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yes, but! being a bit of a film boff/black hawk down fanboy/too much time watching movies/3 disc special edition the film set was actually morocco no somalia for obvious reasons. So yea the film set would be sweet. But i wouldn't set it up in africa. I woul just have a massive to buy list containing LSW, M60, L85, M4, M14, Colt M1911 ect ect! and of course all the extras!

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Yes i certainly would marksman. and nick where would you store it all.


TBH, I don't know! I think my room would look very different


I know Nick, your not the only one sad enough to watch that :P


haha, well as a film maker i appreciate the making of films :D

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With an unlimited amount of money, I'd buy a massive peice of land, section it off with massive fences, buy a sh*t load of bullet ridden vehicles, barrels, build some huts and stuff and just make loads of different places for airsoft, like a Hotel CQB Protect the VIP type place, An Afghan hills, downtown Bahgdad for a mix of CQB and street crawling. Yeah, you get the idea. But I'm sure this isn't on-topic so let's go ahead and get back on topic :P What competition are you talking about?

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the gadget show have a competion at the end of every episode where you can win a F*CK LOAD of stuff like 3 computers 4 cameras etc....


and thanks CraigW-H!

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yea would like to see it, if anyone can find an on demand link would help.

I would also like to see the bit on 3D, imo its absolutely SH*T! thats why none of the good directors use it. I always prefer stuff in "2D"

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They werent even shootin at anyone, they sounded so patronising as well 'they shoot fake plastic bullets' what the, massive letdown :((

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TBH it was not actually advertised as an airsoft game, it was an espionage day out, which culminated in a "hostage" release using airsoft weapons.

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TBH it was not actually advertised as an airsoft game, it was an espionage day out, which culminated in a "hostage" release using airsoft weapons.


All true shep but every other Gadgets on the show was giving fast but a good rundown including the price and they were loaned a G36c buy wolf armouries


Any time paintball has been on the show they spent time looking at the guns ect


I am a big fan of The Gadget Show but I feel let down and pissed off, I would be up for it if someone started a email complaint template for the misrepresentation of airsolf and failure to follow basic safety

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i agree, we should all do the british thing and send a stronly worded letter (e-mail) about our disspleasure

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