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New scam?


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Thought so. It was different to the usual ones! Nice to see some variation. 

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I think that's been used on the other airsoft sales platforms before. I've seen similar wording posted on here where members have received that kind of message.

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Ah well. It's new to me. I've had the stolen photos from other websites being offered to me and the 'I have a mate contact him here' ones. But this one was new! 

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@Thomas0494594 is no more🖕🏿

(Poxy russian)

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I just posted ads on Prefired and Airsofthub last week for the first time in many years, got a few e-mails with very similar wording essentially trying the exact same thing. If you're new to/not familiar with the site in question they can be somewhat convincing, and they English was actually correct in the e-mails I received. Of course the message coming in the wrapper of a normal DM is the main giveaway but I wouldn't blame people for falling for it if they're new to a given site.


I'd say I'm surprised at these scammers becoming so active on niche little airsoft sites within the last year or so, but I'm sure it's happening in all hobbies and areas of interest where folks commonly do online buying and selling.

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